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You need to read this report! Stay asleep or wake up! the Awakening!Warnings Revealed

The endgame was to shut the world down. It was never about a pandemic it’s about control, destruction of our civil liberties, destroying the currencies so they can implement

The Great Reset by the elitiists YOUR"VE BEEN CONNED!!!!

The roadmap hidden from the public that the Cabal has taken and devised to do all the opposites to destroy God’s mass. The arrows aimed at destroying the family unit, destroying the minds of youth through education that serves a lowering of intellect, a mass movement of memorizing what is and removing creative thinking and intelligence outside of the box they have all of the masses placed within. To open it indeed would be Pandora’s fall. For to open it exposes all the lies, the deceit, thefts, and evil maneuvers to enslave mankind in the most vile and wicked ways ever imagined. So what can be done?OPEN IT – OPEN IT WIDE AND EXPOSE THE DECEIT THAT IT CONTAINS.FOLLOW THE MONEY TO THE EVIL CABAL AND THE DESIRES OF THEIR UTOPIA THAT ONLY EXISTS IF THE BOX IS KEPT SHUT TIGHT

....this AMAZING story will

(Open Your Minds, Heart and Eyes YOU will Learn the Secret kept hidden from Man)


At a time when the world could have been lit up for free, by the advancements of Nikola Tesla, the Great Merchants of the earth saw the marvel and hid it for their own devices. Today all technology stems from the knowledge God instilled inside of Tesla, and he feverishly laid out for the world…only to be STOLEN by the Cabal and used devilishly for their own evil devices.

The Cabal knew this and hid it…until this last generation it has now been revealed along with other knowledge that was buried in secret away from public view. CENSORED!

God’s complex system of creation and the creation of man’s energy and relationship with God.




The Anglo-Saxon Mission :

the Third World War and

the Inheritance of the New World

February 2010

I shared this video message in one of very earlier blogs, not sure which one

but it most worthy to share it again. as you will see the warnings are revelent as it was then as it is more today. YOU WON"T BE:IEVE IT! BUT what he says is ringing true the events ocurring today...

What our source reports is this:

There is a planned Third World War, which will be nuclear and biological. Our source believes that this is on track to be initiated within the next 18-24 months. It is planned to begin with a strike by Israel on Iran. Either Iran or China will be provoked into a nuclear response. After a brief nuclear exchange, there will be a ceasefire. The world will be thrown into fear and chaos - all carefully engineered. The extreme state of tension will be used to justify heavy social and military controls in all western first world nations. Plans are already in place for that. During the nuclear ceasefire, there is planned to be a covert release of biological weapons. These will initially be targeted against the Chinese. As our source chillingly told us, "China will catch a cold". Biological warfare will spread further, to the west. Infrastructure will be critically weakened. This is intended to be just the beginning. After this, a full nuclear exchange would be triggered: the "real" war, with widespread destruction and loss of life. Our source tells us that the planned population reduction through these combined means is 50%. He heard this figure stated in the meeting.

This horrific scenario has been planned for generations. The first two world wars were part of the set-up for this final apocalypse - as is the centralization of financial resources that was precipitated with the equally well-planned financial collapse of October 2008.

As if all this were not enough, our source speculates this is all set against the backdrop of a coming "geophysical event" - the same kind of event as was experienced by our ancestors approximately 11,500 years ago. If this event occurs - not necessarily expected in 2012, but sometime in the next decade - it would destroy civilization as we know it, dwarfing even the effects of a nuclear war.

I asked the question to our source: If there's an expected catastrophe, then why initiate a Third World War? His answer, for the first time to me, made terrible sense.

The real goal, he explained, is to set up the post-catastrophic world. To ensure that this "New World" [note the term] is the one the controllers want, totalitarian control structures need to be in place when the catastrophe occurs - with an excuse that the populace will accept and demand them. Martial law in the right, carefully chosen countries before the catastrophe occurs will enable the "right" people to survive and prosper in the post-catastrophic world, and the beginning of the next 11,500 year cycle. What may have been carefully planned on a covert global scale, for the last several generations, is nothing less than who will inherit the Earth.

Who are the "right" people? The white Caucasians. This may be why the name of this project is The Anglo-Saxon Mission. Hence the justification for the planned genocide of the Chinese people - so that the New World is inherited by "us", not "them".

Our source was not informed about the planned fate of the second and third world countries such as those in South America, Africa and Asia. But he presumes that these would be allowed to fend for themselves and probably not survive well - or maybe not at all. The totalitarian military governments of the western, white, people are set to be the inheritors.

This is a plan so evil, so racist, so diabolical, so huge, that it almost defies belief. But it all aligns with what many commentators, researchers and whistleblowing insiders have been identifying for some years now. For me personally, it's the clearest picture yet of why the world is the way it is, and why the secrets are protected so fiercely: it may be all about racial supremacy. The Fourth Reich is alive and well.

Astonishingly, our source was not pessimistic. He stressed, as do we and many other researchers and commentators, that consciousness is awakening rapidly all over the planet and that THESE PLANNED EVENTS ARE NOT INEVITABLE. If ever there was a reason to work closely together to raise awareness of the real threat to us all, this is it.

Watch this video, listen carefully to the strong message of hope and encouragement, and spread it far and wide. We plan to create subtitles in many languages - including Chinese. We stand for the potential magnificence of a united humanity that knows no racial boundaries or distinctions. Whether or not the catastrophe occurs - and many, including ourselves, maintain that it will not - we must co-create our own future, claim our power, and do whatever we can to alert people to the dangers around us... so that we can be stronger together, for the sake of our descendants and for the heritage of all living beings on Planet Earth.

  • We are NOT "overpopulated" for so many reasons ... (international) mismanagement is one of them!

If humanity were not unnecessary attacked on their health on sooooooo many levels last decades (including erratic pulse microwaves) and real (revolutionary) solutions (suppressed inventions) not be criminalized, silenced or covered up.

~ Imagine a farmer crippling its livestock then "complaining" they do not walk fast enough!

Part of humanity is destined to go to (live on) other planets thus making more space here anyway! ... How many different aliens are already interacting with us and could help us not staying on Earth? Just like a flower seeding elsewhere ... Earth can do the same but the Psychopathic Technocrats (control freaks) do everything in their power to sabotage that to keep us here (mentally, emotionally & physically) sick, compromised & enslaved on purpose to have a EXCUSE to claim we are "overpopulated".

Almost all natural solutions are dismissed by so called "international authorities" (like W.H.O.) we all being forced in to Agenda 2030 to be artificially micro-managed serving The Great (Dystopian) Reset. All who can expose their false "justifications" for their Tyranny will be dealt with via new insane (unconstitutional) laws & regulations enforced by other slaves helping the status quo.

"The end justifies the means" ... they will use ANY EXCUSE to push their tyrannical dystopian agenda and the (false perception) "overpopulation bomb" is one of them.


We live in a world where we have Hijacked Governments legalizing (protecting)

Corporate Crimes and Criminalizing Real Solutions like:

~ Suppressed Inventions

~ HEMP Revolution

~ Forbidden Cures

~ Study amongst others the Documentary "When Healing Becomes a Crime".

Do you know they can turn a Desert in to an Oases using "Super Absorbers" small pallets mixing it in the earth then use fewer than normal water to start farming?

Do you know they can now convert Seawater in to Drinking water in a cheap way?

In coming decades humans (not with help from aliens) can build 100s of (hurricane proof) giant self-sustainable floating cities and 2/3 of Earth is covered with water ... any idea how much space/room that is? If official CONTACT with Aliens are made 1000s of new ideas are possible to build new cities. I ask you again how big is 2/3 of the Earth? "Not enough space"? ... Did you know that Australia or The State Texas can manage 7 Billion people with the correct (suppressed) technology?

There are 100s of practical solutions IF we all were managed more honestly we would not have ANY problems feeding everybody. Now most farmers are punished & attacked by UN Food rules (intensives, mandates, insane food regulations etc. etc.) all to serve a Worldwide PUSH for Toxic GMO Food Agenda! (obvious part of NWO Depopulation Agenda).

We are "managed" by corrupt & insane psychopaths when it comes to food. And it is global.

Study: corrupt Codex Alimentarius run by over the top control freaks!


John Kuhles aka 'ExomatrixTV'


read this profile on Elon Musk

and this comment

Musk is very similar to Gates ... Both front men for the cabal ... Manufactured "Geniuses" ...heroes for the unaware to follow ... Gates supposedly created the information revolution , in reality made sure snooping spyware is in all our computers , and now is saving us with vaccines.

Musk on one hand warns us of the dangers of AI but then creates a company to put wires and chips in our brain...

Their thoughts on population are diametrically opposed ... Gates warning that population is relentlessly rising and suffocating the world with CO2 , while Musk says we're in danger of dying out!!

It's called full spectrum dominance , they put out many options to cater for different tastes , fascism /communism ... labor / tory ..over population/underpopulation ... they control and steer all opinions


What You Should Know About 5G Satellites—How Musk’s Sci-Fi Dreams Are Becoming Our Living Nightmare

APRIL 01, 2020

By Dafna Tachover, Esq

"Companies and governments have plans to launch approximately 50,000 satellites to provide 5G and Wi-Fi services everywhere on Earth. Elon Musk’s SpaceX is leading these efforts with its planned deployment of 42,000 Starlink satellites and its goal of establishing a global network.

To provide service, SpaceX states that it requires an infrastructure of one million on-the-ground antennas to connect its satellites with the ground users. In March 2020, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved SpaceX’s ground antenna application. On 7/31/2020, SpaceX modified its original filing and has asked the FCC to increase this number to five million. Almost 400 satellites have been launched to date. This year, SpaceX plans to accelerate its satellite launches to an average of 120 per month (60 every two weeks). Space X is approaching the threshold number at which it says it can begin supplying 5G coverage from space. This year, SpaceX plans to accelerate its satellite launches to an average of 120 per month (60 every two weeks). In July, the FCC approved 6 Ground Stations to communicate with the satellites – in California, Minnesota, Idaho, Alabama, Georgia and Montana.

These low-orbit satellites not only already contaminate our night skies and interfere with astronomy but also promise to flood Earth with powerful, focused electromagnetic beams that emit radiofrequency (RF) and microwave radiation proven to adversely affect the health of humans, animals and plants. The satellites also may have an impact on Earth’s natural electromagnetic field—essential to all life on our planet—yet no national or international agency has taken action to evaluate, reduce, prevent or publicize the environmental impact of the satellites’ emissions. Meanwhile, significant effects are already occurring.

The FCC has never assessed the impact of radiation emissions from 50,000 satellites or any other existing and potential adverse environmental effects.

FCC complicity

Satellite companies must submit applications to the FCC because satellites use radiofrequencies that are under the agency’s purview. Just like other federal agencies, the FCC is subject to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requirements, established in 1970, to develop rules enabling it to evaluate the environmental effects of its actions. To meet its procedural responsibilities under NEPA as well as stipulations of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, the FCC, in 1996, adopted non-mandatory exposure standards for wireless radiation. These standards are highly flawed because they only acknowledge thermal but not non-thermal harms and ignore the established harms of pulsed and modulated signals. Moreover, there are no penalties for exceeding the standards.

Funding our own nightmare

The Los Angeles Times has noted that Elon Musk has built his “empire” with billions in U.S. government—that is, taxpayer—subsidies. In 2017, reporters critically noted that “Like a reverse Robin Hood, Musk isn’t robbing from the rich and giving to the poor: He’s robbing from the working class and keeping it for himself.” Now, Musk is seeking an additional $16 billion in government subsidies for SpaceX. We all hope he will not get it, as Musk’s science-fiction dreams are fast becoming our nightmare"

Like Bill Gates, his true character is not at all like that which has been invented by the MSM. See:


If you listen to the Health Ranger Mike Adam on Alex Jones yesterday, he said that a deep state source told him that if Biden’s administration doesn’t reach 70% population vaccination as per UN directive by July 4th, then they will be removed and replaced with someone who will reach that number.

And it would have to be a very extreme scenario to get the rest of the population to comply, because at this point everyone who wants the shot has taken it, and everyone who doesn’t want it, is strongly opposed and that sense of opposition is only increasing as time goes on.

And the Cyber Polygon is scheduled for July 9th where commodities and such (electricity, gas, internet, water, food chain and everything, including pipelines, being able to get gas, banks) go offline only to come back online and be used for people who comply with the NWO social credit system. That would include having been fully vaccinated and only be able to keep having access to it all, if they are up to date with the endless booster injections that will be mandatory at least a few times a year. They also want to shut down all dissident sites like Telegram. Anyone using it would ruin their social credit anyway and be locked out of the system.

Watch the part where they talk about it. Starts at 5:15

Banned.Video (

Americans Must Prepare For A Land Invasion Of The United States

Mike Adams of guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down the news of Joe Biden's failure to implement


Q and the department of defence Law War Manual


As Joyce Lawrence states

Great video!!!! Most people are asleep and are afraid of hearing the truth. Through the PANIC-DEMIC" .they are using the greatest fear THE FEAR OF DEATH. When that is triggered most folks will eagerly give up all their freedoms. It will be an INDIVIDUAL AWAKENING, NOT AN ILLUSIONARY PLANETARY AWAKENING, which many folks want to believe. Most will remain asleep. Their Consciousness will awaken only when their Spirit is ready to see the truth. I understand, it's frightening to see that soulless narcissistic psychopaths run this planet..

see video posted further down ...

The U.S. Surgeon General has stated that;

“Even in the worst projections, more people are going to die from cigarette smoking than from #CoronaVirus” this year.

First IMPORTANT! Article

by Jon RappoportJune 29, 2021

Even a robot programmed to “follow the science” would throw up his hands in despair while reading the latest FDA COVID pronouncement.After untold numbers of people have been given antibody tests to determine their COVID status, the FDA now states

:“Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a safety communication informing the public that results from SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests should not be used to evaluate ... link to article

For Immediate Release:May 19, 2021

The following quote is attributed to Tim Stenzel, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Office of In Vitro Diagnostics and Radiological Health in the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health


“The FDA is reminding the public of the limitations of COVID-19 antibody, or serology, testing and providing additional recommendations about the use of antibody tests in people who received a COVID-19 vaccination. Antibody tests can play an important role in identifying individuals who may have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and may have developed an adaptive immune response. However, antibody tests should not be used at this time to determine immunity or protection against COVID-19 at any time, and especially after a person has received a COVID-19 vaccination. The FDA will continue to monitor the use of authorized SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests for purposes other than identifying people with an adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 from a recent or prior infection.”

Additional Information

  • Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a safety communication informing the public that results from SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests should not be used to evaluate immunity or protection from COVID-19 at any time, and especially after the person received a COVID-19 vaccination.

  • The authorized vaccines for prevention of COVID-19 induce antibodies to specific viral protein targets; post-vaccination antibody test results will be negative in individuals without a history of previous natural infection if the test used does not detect the type of antibodies induced by the vaccine.

  • Currently authorized SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests are not validated to evaluate immunity or protection from COVID-19 infection. SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests should be ordered only by health care providers who are familiar with the use and limitations of the test.

and more reporting from Jon Rapport... I suggest you join his mailing list and go to his website

COVID: here come the antibody tests—quick, easy, and insane

by Jon Rappoport
April 5, 2020

There are two worlds. In the first, independent researchers with no conflicts of interest, and, hopefully, a sense of logic, sort out what is actually going on behind propaganda parading as medical research.
In the second world, it’s all official propaganda, wall to wall, posing as science.
This article looks at the second world. It doesn’t mention what I’ve established in prior articles: the unproven discovery of a new virus (COVID); the notoriously useless PCR diagnostic test for the virus, rendering case numbers meaningless; the con-job proposition that COVID is a real disease with one cause, rather than a grouping of people with diverse conditions clustered under one fake umbrella term (COVID).
In the second world, we have the announcement that a new antibody test has been developed to detect COVID-19 virus in people. Millions of test kits have been ordered. Some versions of the test can be self-administered quickly at home.
So let’s go to the mainstream media and see what they, and their medical sources, have to say about the new antibody test. 
Buckle up.
Chicago Tribune, April 3: “A new, different type of coronavirus test is coming that will help significantly in the fight to quell the COVID-19 pandemic, doctors and scientists say.”
“The first so-called serology test, which detects antibodies to the virus rather than the virus itself, was given emergency approval Thursday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”
“The serology test involves taking a blood sample and determining if it contains the antibodies that fight the virus. A positive result indicates the person had the virus in the past and is currently immune.”
“Dr. Elizabeth McNally, director of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Center for Genetic Medicine…’You’ll see many of these roll out in the next couple of weeks, and it’s great, and it will really help a lot,’ said McNally, noting doctors and scientists will be able to use it to determine just how widespread the disease is, who can safely return to work and possibly how to develop new treatments for those who are ill.”
Got that? A positive test means the patient is now immune to the virus and can walk outside and go back to work.

NBC News, April 4, has a somewhat different take: “David Kroll, a professor of pharmacology at the University of Colorado who has worked on antibody testing, explained that the antibodies [a positive test] mean ‘your immune system [has] remembered the virus to the point that it makes these antibodies that could inactivate any future viral infections’.”
“What the test can’t do is tell you whether you’re currently sick with coronavirus, whether you’re contagious, whether you’re fully immune — and whether you’re safe to go back out in public.”
“Because the test can’t be used as a diagnostic test, it would need to be combined with other information to determine if a person is sick with COVID-19.”

Oops. No, this really isn’t a diagnostic test, it doesn’t tell whether the patient is immune and can go back to work. Excuse me, what??

Business Insider, April 3: “The world’s leading industrial nations have so far failed to identify any coronavirus antibody tests that will be accurate enough for home use, according to the UK’s Health Secretary Matt Hancock.”
“The UK and other nations are currently examining plans to use antibody tests to allow individuals with immunity to COVID-19 to exit their national lockdowns early through the use of a so-called ‘immunity passport’.”
“Spain was recently forced to return tens of thousands of rapid coronavirus tests from a Chinese company after they were found to be accurate just 30% of the time.”
“Some tests have demonstrated false positives, detecting antibodies to much more common coronaviruses.”
“Scientists also remain unsure about the extent to which a past infection could prevent reinfection and how long an immunity would remain.”
Hmm. So the new antibody test has very serious problems, and it hasn’t been cleared for public use.
Medicine Net (undated): “Researchers at the Mount Sinai Health System say they’ve developed a test that can find out if you already have had or were infected with the new coronavirus.”
“The test is called “serological enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,” or ELISA for short. It checks whether or not you have antibodies in your blood to SARS-CoV-2, the scientific name of the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19.”
“Researchers say ELISA works like antibody tests for other viruses, such as hepatitis B. It will show whether your immune system — the body’s defense against germs — made contact with SARS-CoV-2, even months before.”
“The test could help scientists fight the pandemic in several ways. It can give researchers a more accurate measure of how many people had the new coronavirus. It would also let health care workers who were ill with COVID-19 symptoms, but were never tested for the disease, return to work — confident that they are now immune.”

So wait, it’s a great test. Right? A positive test result indicates immunity, and people can return to work. What??
Science News, March 27: “The United Kingdom has ordered 3.5 million antibody tests, which would show whether someone has been exposed to COVID-19. Such tests, which just take a drop of blood, could help reveal people who have been exposed to the virus and are now likely immune, meaning they could go back to work and resume their normal lives.”
“Science News spoke with David Weiner, director of the Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, and Charles Cairns, dean of the Drexel University College of Medicine, about how antibody tests work and what are some of the challenges of developing the tests.”

“Cairns: ‘The big question is: Does a positive response for the antibodies mean that person is actively infected, or that they have been infected in the past? The tests need to be accurate, and avoid both false positives and false negatives. That’s the challenge’.”
Oops again. Cairns is saying the new test, if it reads positive, might mean the person is infected now. Or it might mean they were infected—and are now presumably immune. Figuring out which is the challenge. No kidding. It’s the difference between sick and healthy. So a positive test result means the patient is sick OR healthy.

As a reference, let’s look at how this same antibody test has been used in the past. For example, in the case of hepatitis A:
URMC Rochester (undated): This test looks for antibodies in your blood called IgM. The test can find out whether you are infected with the hepatitis A virus (HAV)…If your test is positive or reactive, it may mean: You have an active HAV infection…You have had an HAV infection within the last 6 months.”

In other words, a positive antibody test could mean you’re sick now, or were once sick but are presumably immune now. Wonderful.
Medscape comments on the meaning of a positive antibody test for the Zika virus: “…immunoglobulin (Ig) M and neutralizing antibody testing can identify additional recent Zika virus infections…However, Zika virus antibody test results can be difficult to interpret because of cross-reactivity with other flaviviruses…”

Two things here: no word about a positive test result revealing IMMUNITY from Zika; and a warning that a positive test might not have anything to do with Zika at all—that’s what “cross-reactivity” means.
Medlineplus, referring to a Zika “blood test,” which would include antibody testing, states, “A positive Zika test result probably means you have a Zika infection.” Not immunity.

And there you have it. The official word on the COVID antibody test from official sources. It’s yes, no, and maybe. Public health officials can SAY whatever they want to about antibody tests: a positive result means you’re immune, it means you have an infection, it means you’re walking on the moon eating a hot dog.

Generally speaking, before 1984 a positive antibody test was taken to mean the patient had achieved immunity from a germ. After 1984, the science was turned upside down; a positive result meant the patient “had the germ” and was not immune. Now, with COVID-19, if you just read news headlines, a positive test means the patient is immune; but if you read down a few paragraphs, a positive test means the patient is maybe…maybe not…immune. Maybe infected, maybe not infected. Maybe sick, maybe not sick. And, on top of all that, antibody tests are known to read falsely positive, owing to factors that have nothing to do with the virus being tested for.
That concludes today’s foray into the world of lunatic contradictory propaganda masquerading as science.

You are now returned to the real world, where: the discovery of a new virus (COVID) is unproven; the notoriously useless PCR diagnostic test for the virus renders case numbers meaningless; and the proposition that COVID is a real disease with one cause is a con job.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.


.The U.S. Surgeon General has stated that;

“Even in the worst projections, more people are going to die from cigarette smoking than from #CoronaVirus” this year.

The United States mounted a complex, multi-faceted and long-term response to the pandemic, summarized in The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: Summary Highlights, April 2009-April 2010. On August 10, 2010, WHO declared an end to the global 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. However, (H1N1)pdm09 virus continues to circulate as a seasonal flu virus, and cause illness, hospitalization, and deaths worldwide every year.

  • Diseases and Death

  • Costs and Expenditures

  • Cigarette Smoking in the US

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death.

  • Worldwide, tobacco use causes more than 7 million deaths per year.2 If the pattern of smoking all over the globe doesn’t change, more than 8 million people a year will die from diseases related to tobacco use by 2030.3

  • Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day.1

OutBreak - Full Movie in English (Plague Movie, Zombies)

A greedy company conducts an unethical experiment to make a highly addictive substance...

accurate to what's going on

Off the top of his head, apparently, Morrison announces last night that anyone under 40 can get the AZ jab. The AMA is not told, doctors are not told, State health officials are not told. This clown is now beyond incompetent. He's an active menace. Mike Carlton

And people wonder why #ScottyFromMarketing was fired from his previous job


Doctors kill people all the time but don't talk about that! Prescription drugs kill people but don't talk about that! Alcohol kills and destroys so many lives but don't talk about that because they make tons of money, they love to harm us then blame us and make money off of our suffering and then laugh at us.

Sydney in lockdown, borders shut and hardly anyone vaccinated. How long can Australia go on like this?

excerpt article

Australia was celebrated for its initial response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and for getting its economy more or less back on track long ago.

But with that security has come complacency, particularly in the federal government, which failed to secure enough vaccine doses to prevent the regular “circuit breaker” lockdowns that come every time a handful of cases emerge, or even the longer restrictions that Sydney is experiencing now. Australia’s borders, controlled by strict quarantine measures, have been all but shut for more than a year.

Now Australians, who basked in their early successes, are wondering how much longer this can go on.

Businesses are suffering with these lockdowns and people loosing their jobs not because they perhaps choose not to have the vax but because it's the governments world wide who have an ulterior agenda... FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION and the control of humanity worldwide

Interview from @4corners Episode went to air in late May. #COVID19

These bastards won't give you freedom until your fully vaxed can you see the

smoke and mirrors of the planned VAX roll out -

Morrison just making it up as he goes along …

The AMA now ridiculing Morrison’s vaccine “ strategy”….

When does rolling incompetence become outright negligence?

Australia’s top medical body refuses to endorse PM’s announcement that under-40s can get AstraZeneca

AMA says Scott Morrison’s announcement about younger people getting AZ Covid jab goes against advice from vaccine safety body

The government has been providing GPs indemnity for all vaccines. They have now simply extended that indemnity to include AZ for those under 40 who choose to receive it.

"On indemnity, I want to make something very, very clear," Minister Hunt told reporters on Sunday.

"Australia already has vaccine indemnity agreements in place. I am saying this on behalf of the Government but also on behalf of our legal advice, no doctor need worry," Minister Hunt said.

The Minister was speaking in response to months of AMA behind the scenes advocacy, with AMA Federal President Dr Omar Khorshid saying he would continue to work with the Government to turn this public commitment into a clearly defined program.

Dr Khorshid said doctors had “strong and clear support for the vaccination program” and wrote to AMA GP members this week acknowledging the challenges they are facing.

“I know some GPs remain worried about medical indemnity coverage for providing advice to patients about AstraZeneca as well as for its administration. The AMA has been repeatedly and categorically assured by Medical Defence Organisations (MDOs) that doctors are covered by their policies and MDOs are providing this same advice to their members in the strongest terms. Vaccine manufacturers have also been indemnified by the Commonwealth.

“The Government’s decision to position general practice at the centre of its roll out plans was the correct one. The AMA, along with other GP bodies, continues to try and work with the Government to address problems as they arise, maintain public confidence, and ensure that GPs get the support and recognition they deserve.

“While this guarantee is welcome, we need more detail about what mechanisms it would use and the exact circumstances that would see the Commonwealth act on this,” Dr Khorshid said.

extract from article

11 months ago

While the race to develop an effective vaccine has been characterised as a global humanitarian effort, governments around the world have increasingly become engaged in an exercise of vaccine nationalism - funding and encouraging their own teams but also hedging their bets by throwing funds at offshore rivals to ensure local vaccine supply. Health Minister Greg Hunt’s office has said the Australian government is confident CSL "has the capacity to produce sufficient vaccine [doses] for the entire Australian population either for Australian-based vaccines or under licence for leading international vaccines". That would suggest it is looking at the possibility of CSL using local manufacturing capability to produce vaccines under licence for other players if the UQ candidate doesn’t pan out."It's fair to say CSL is looking at those options as well," a CSL spokesperson said. On Friday Prime Minister Scott Morrison ventured further into vaccine nationalism territory warning that he expects any breakthroughs around the world to be passed on. According to the PM, Australia had freely shared its breakthrough genetic reproduction of the coronavirus and expected any breakthrough therapy to be shared with the world. So how does Soriot’s seat at the CSL board table change the dynamics?


How about standing up for Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as treatments instead of pushing something that has killed more Aussies this year than the actual virus has.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison holds a vial of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Credit: David Caird/AAPIMAGE

What People Have to say

Try and stand up for the people's rights to choose, that'll get you the right attention...

We've had enough of this rubbish. There isn't a shortage on jabs there's a shortage of volunteers.

What would you do if there wasn't any hope? What action would you take if lockdowns were made the new permanent normal? How would you react if ALL of your God given freedoms were taken off you? How would you cope if you were not allowed to see your friends and family EVER again? How would you survive in something like Orwells 1984? How do you think you would respond to your children enduring lives of bleak slavery? You need to consider these questions, really, really hard cause you know what? Unless we unite NOW and rise together, the worst scenarios we can possibly imagine will eventuate. Let's NOT allow that to happen! Future generations are depending on us! WE are the hope! WE are the solution!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating the death of a 13-year-old boy in Michigan that occurred several days after he received a COVID-19vaccine, county health officials say.

DR Reiner Fuellmich

The strategy behind the planned US class action lawsuit is supported by the lawyers known from the Berlin “Corona Committee”. Above all, lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, LL.M. (UCLA) from Göttingen. He has been a litigator for 26 years, admitted to practice in Germany and California. He is a founding member of the “Corona Committee” foundation. Lawyer Antonia Fischer and Lawyer Dr. Justus Hoffmann from Berlin and lawyer Cathrin Behn from Göttingen are in charge of the German side.

In addition, a number of lawyers are active who cannot appear to the outside world because the law firms in which they are employed have concerns about losing mainstream and public-sector mandates if their Corona damage compensation activity becomes known . As a medical lawyer, lawyer Fischer will also deal with the processing of the corona consequences due to e.g. B. take care of postponed operations, therapies, etc. Dr. Hoffmann is already active in the “Masks Task Force”. Both are like Dr. Fuellmich members of the Corona Legal Committee. Attorney Marcel Templin is also admitted to the bar in Berlin and is also involved as a lecturer in legal training. In liability law, he has been working with colleagues across Germany for years,


4 listed of those from Australia

What is the most important part (truth part) of a prepositional phrase? A noun. Otherwise known as a fact and no matter when you read it, it is in the now time.

Yet all contracts have pronouns, adverbs adjectives,

suffixes and prefixes all open to many interpretations and timelines.


FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST FOI 2289 Notice of Decision 1. I refer to your request dated 17 February 2021 under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act), and subsequent correspondence between you and the TGA, in which the scope of your request was clarified as being for access to the following documents: “I am writing to request under the Freedom of Information Act, the following document(s) relating to the TGA's recent approval of the Pfizer vaccine for prevention of disease relating to SARS-Cov-2:


In relation to your second query, I apologise for any confusion our initial correspondence may have caused ‐ we understand now that you are seeking documents which confirm whether the TGA requested Individual Level Patient Data following Pfizer’s application to the TGA for the provisional registration of its vaccine.

The TGA does not hold any relevant documents relating to points 1 and 2 of your FOI request, to be clear, the TGA does not hold Individual Level Patient Data in relation to this application for provisional registration.

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CDC sued for massive fraud: Tests at 7 universities of ALL people examined showed that they did not have Covid, but just Influenza A or B – EU statistics: ‘Corona’ virtually disappeared, even under mortality.

A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could find Covid-19. ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B. This is consistent with the previous findings of other scientists, which we have reported on several times.

UK News

'It felt like an earthquake'

Santo Mejil, 50, was roused out of bed by a call from his wife. She had been working as an overnight caretaker in one of the three buildings that make up the tower complex.

"She said she heard a big explosion. It felt like an earthquake," Mr Mejil told the Miami Herald.

Fifty-five apartments were destroyed when the block collapsed on Thursday, leaving piles of rubble intertwined with concrete slabs and twisted steel.

Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett described the building as having been "pancaked".

People described hearing what sounded like thunder before seeing a huge cloud of dust.

One compared the scene to the 11 September 2001 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York.

Could this be a conspiracy or truth

Was HAARP earthquake weapon activated (top photo NOTAM alert) to target Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner at their home in Miami-Florida (second photo), but missed and struck building one block away (bottom photo)?

In creating an INTREP about this event (and believe me, they’re already being compiled by intelligence agencies the world over), the historical context about HAARP, along with an assessment of its mysterious activities, most certainly leads to a valid theory being made that the daughter and son-in-law of President Donald Trump are being targeted for death—but most importantly for you to know, is only a theory, not a conclusion—and as such, when included in any INTREP, means only that this theoryhas some validity making it worthy of further investigation.


World Bank Drops COVID Bombshell—Presidents Expose What They Just Implemented! This IS Takeover!



Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility

The Pandemic Emergency Financing facility (PEF) is an innovative insurance-based mechanism which provides the needed surge funding to the world’s poorest countries to help prevent disease outbreaks from becoming pandemics, thereby saving lives and money, and protecting economies. PEF funding under the insurance window is provided by resources from the reinsurance market and the proceeds of catastrophe bonds issued by IBRD. The PEF also includes a cash window to complement the insurance window. Fund Website » On April 16, 2020, the third party calculation agent for the PEF determined that the conditions for a payout from the insurance window for COVID-19, one of the viruses covered by the PEF insurance window, had been met. US$195.84 million in funding was provided from the reinsurance market and the proceeds of the catastrophe bonds. On April 24, 2020, US$63.34 million was received into the FIF from the reinsurance coverage, and on May 15, 2020 US$132.51 million was received into the FIF from the proceeds of the catastrophe bonds*.

1.What is the Pandemic Emergency Financing Facility (PEF)?
2.Who are the beneficiaries of the PEF?
3.How do countries join the PEF?
4.How do responding agencies join the PEF?
5.How much does the PEF cost to countries?
6 Do countries or responding agencies need to repay the funds? 
No. The funds are 100% grant-based and do not need to be repaid. 7 What diseases does the PEF cover?
8 What can PEF funds be used for?
9 Can funds be used to finance preparedness?
10 When can PEF funds be accessed?
11 Who determines when the activation criteria have been met? 
12 How do countries access PEF funds?
13 How do responding agencies access PEF funds?
14 Is there a template or format for the response plan?
15 How much money is available in the PEF?
16 How much money will a country get?
17 How much money will a responding agency get?
18 Can a country apply for funds more than once?
19 Why not invest in preparedness instead?

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Visit or download any available trustee report by clicking on the report title in the table below. Reports are sorted by date.

December 31, 2020

Download PDF • 347KB

ReportsDecember 31, 2019

Trustee ReportsJune 30, 2019

Trustee ReportsDecember 31, 2018

Trustee ReportsJune 30, 2018


Bennett said the PEF as a whole would provide more than $500 million of coverage against pandemics over the next five years. This includes today’s $425 million transaction, comprising $320 million raised through the bond market and $105 million through swaps transactions.

The transaction was oversubscribed by 200 percent, attracting interest from dedicated cat bond investors, asset managers, pension funds and endowments, the World Bank said.

For the pandemic bond, the World Bank will pay bondholders a coupon that replicates an insurance premium plus a funding spread, in return for a payout if the bond is triggered.

“If a trigger event occurs, instead of repaying the bond in full, some or all of the principal is transferred to the PEF trust fund,” Bennett said. “So essentially the investors are acting like insurance companies.”

The annual global cost of moderately severe to severe pandemics is estimated at roughly $570 billion, or 0.7 percent of global income, the World Bank said.

Catastrophe bond

Catastrophe bonds (also known as cat bonds
are risk-linked securities that transfer a specified set of risks from a sponsor to investors. They were created and first used in the mid-1990s in the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew and the Northridge earthquake.
Catastrophe bonds emerged from a need by insurance companies to alleviate some of the risks they would face if a major catastrophe occurred, which would incur damages that they could not cover by the invested premiums. An insurance company issues bonds through an investment bank, which are then sold to investors. These bonds are inherently risky, generally BB,[1] and usually have maturities less than 3 years. If no catastrophe occurred, the insurance company would pay a coupon to the investors. But if a catastrophe did occur, then the principal would be forgiven and the insurance company would use this money to pay their claim-holders. Investors include hedge funds, catastrophe-oriented funds, and asset managers. They are often structured as floating-rate bonds whose principal is lost if specified trigger conditions are met. If triggered the principal is paid to the sponsor. The triggers are linked to major natural catastrophes. Catastrophe bonds are typically used by insurers as an alternative to traditional catastrophe reinsurance.
For example, if an insurer has built up a portfolio of risks by insuring properties in Florida, then it might wish to pass some of this risk on so that it can remain solvent after a large hurricane. It could simply purchase traditional catastrophe reinsurance, which would pass the risk on to reinsurers. Or it could sponsor a cat bond, which would pass the risk on to investors. In consultation with an investment bank, it would create a special purpose entity that would issue the cat bond. Investors would buy the bond, which might pay them a coupon of LIBOR plus a spread, generally (but not always) between 3 and 20%. If no hurricane hit Florida, then the investors would make a positive return on their investment. But if a hurricane were to hit Florida and trigger the cat bond, then the principal initially contributed by the investors would be transferred to the sponsor to pay its claims to policyholders. The bond would technically be in default and be a loss to investors.[2]

Catastrophe bonds are used by property and casualty insurers as well as reinsurance companies to transfer risk to investors. First marketed in the 1990s, these bonds offer insurance and reinsurance companies another way of offsetting the risk associated with underwriting policies. Institutional investors can receive a higher interest rate from CAT bonds than from most other fixed-income securities.

CAT bonds are a type of insurance-linked security (ILS)—an umbrella term for financial securities that are linked to pre-specified events or insurance-related risks. CAT bonds are paid to insurance companies only if a catastrophe—that is protected by the bond—occurs.

Triggers for the two classes of bonds

The two tranches of pandemic bonds represent different risks of contagion. The World Bank offered $225 million worth of Class A debt, which pay out 6.9% annually. The bonds default if pandemic-related deaths reach 2,500 in a single nation with an additional 20 or more deaths confirmed in an overseas country, according to the bank's prospectus.


Washington, DC, June 28, 2017


“With this new facility, we have taken a momentous step that has the potential to save millions of lives and entire economies from one of the greatest systemic threats we face,” World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim said. “We are moving away from the cycle of panic and neglect that has characterized so much of our approach to pandemics. We are leveraging our capital market expertise, our deep understanding of the health sector, our experience overcoming development challenges, and our strong relationships with donors and the insurance industry to serve the world’s poorest people. This creates an entirely new market for pandemic risk insurance. Drawing on lessons from the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa, the Facility will help improve health security for everyone. I especially want to thank the World Health Organization and the governments of Japan and Germany for their support in launching this new mechanism.”

The World Bank announced the creation of the PEF in May 2016 at the G7 Finance Ministers and Central Governors meeting in Sendai, Japan. The PEF will quickly channel funding to countries facing a major disease outbreak with pandemic potential. Its unique financing structure combines funding from the bonds issued today with over-the-counter derivatives that transfer pandemic outbreak risk to derivative counterparties. The structure was designed to attract a wider, more diverse set of investors.

Funds can only be released from the PEF for non-flu epidemics 12 weeks after the "start of the event," according to a World Bank document. The novel coronavirus strains were first reported on in late December, leaving funds locked up until late March.


  • Anything to perpetuate the fear, not even casting doubt and fake guilt about robbing grandma of the last years of!!

You are going to be sobbing when all the local stores are gone and you and your loved ones are obliged to live under the New World Order version,

of our present :


What to do when governing authorities do not have authority from God. #IDONOTCONSENT! Standing against the Hitlers, Stalins, Amins, and Saddams of today, this present darkness!!

Exerpt from Dr. Peter Ridds writing on Comply or we will legislate.

  • 6pm...And just like that we've been locked down again. Remember the TPR flyers from 3 weeks ago that predicted this would happen? No folks, we here at The People's Revolution are not mind readers or fortune tellers. But when you know the opposition's plan, they become predictable. The State of Emergency powers in Queensland were set to expire today and while they don't need a lockdown to extend them, a few new cases, some main stream media fear campaigns and a lock down, certainly helps to justify it to the public. It's nothing new. Think the invasion of the Mid East and the 9/11 false flag event, which acheived public backing, allowing the invasion with the blessing of the majority of the American public, who had been deceived by their own government and the puppet masters behind the scenes. The fact that lockdowns are often executed just prior to the school holidays, well that's called psychological warfare. People have holiday plans...crush them. Take any sort of normality out of their lives and persuade them to believe that the only way they will return to normal, is if they comply with controlling and oppressive rules. Similar to the prison mentality. Well folks, for those that fail to see clearly, it is never going back to normal. If you continue to comply, you will be "checking in" for the rest of your life, whether it be using a QR code or a microchip inserted into your body. At the beginning of this ordeal, the officials stated it will only go back to normal when you get the "vaccine". Now they are saying after taking multiple shots of the "vaccine", you will still need to wear masks, social distance and comply with restrictions. The longer we comply, the longer we will all be living under lockdowns and restrictions. Self educate and arm yourself with the knowledge required to enable yourself to stand tall in the streets and not bow down to tyrannical control measures aimed purely at control and oppression. To those that still think the words above are those of a conspiracy theorist, wake up now please. You've been sleeping long enough and your fellow humans need you. Brothers and Sisters, stick together. The war for our children's futures is about to really get going. I'll be with you every step of the way, let's do this.


To all my truther mates out there feeling the weight of this absurdity.. hang in there, take a break in fresh air, jump onto some upwardly spiralling energies and go with it ... feeling the lightness of FREEDOM when you are above the FEAR ... break that ground energy just for a few minutes and FLY 🦅 This clearing is hard to watch but it's necessary if we are to move forward into a greater space 💙🙏

  • Malcolm Roberts - Pauline Hanson's One Nation · If you work in Aged Care and are concerned about the fact the government will now force you to take a vaccination whether you like it or not, please email me at I put up a post earlier today asking for anyone in Aged Care who was concerned about being forced to receive the vaccination to call my office. The phone lines were absolutely flooded. We heard from expecting mothers who feared for their unborn children, single parents who feared they were going to lose their only source of income and many others who said they were simply too scared to speak out. I want to keep hearing your stories, but the new lockdown restrictions affect our office so we won’t be able to take all of your phone calls, please email me instead at Please include your name, mobile, location and your concerns about mandatory vaccinations.

And did you know Pauline Hanson warned you years ago about Agenda 21

Pauline Hanson's chilling warning: One Nation leader releases video from 1997 predicting globalisation would cause 'problems' for Australia - decades before coronavirus outbreak

  • The One Nation leader posted the video of her speaking in Parliament in 1997

  • In the speech she argued that Australia should turn away from the world

  • She also said Australia should cut ties with the United Nations and WHO

  • 'Government ignored my warning

In her Facebook post, Senator Hanson claimed she had long warned of the 'dangers' of an inter-connected world.

'The Chinese coronavirus has exposed what many of us already knew, the globalist system the Liberal/National and the Labor parties have championed for years is fraught with danger,' she wrote.

In the speech, Senator Hanson argued that Australia should cut ties with United Nations and the World Health Organisation.

'The United Nations are being outrageously successful in having our government dance to their tune which in turn is a death march to our own people and our Australian way of life,' she said.

Now Senator Hanson is arguing that Australia should cut funding to the WHO, claiming it did little to keep Australians safe by failing to contain the coronavirus.

She also argues the WHO has pandered to China by praising the country's response to the virus despite its attempt to cover-up the spread of the disease by silencing whistleblowers.

'I even warned them of the United Nations' corruption which we are now seeing displayed so clearly by their offshoots in the World Health Organisation,' she wrote on Facebook.

[Pandemic LIE] The entire plan started to show? - Listen to Dr. Lee Merritt & That Mind Blowing Super Evil Technology, behind this Global Scam!?

listen to, 5 Doctors Monthly Special Episode 4 Dr Tenpenny, Dr Merritt, Dr Northrup, Dr Madej, Dr Larry

5 Doctors Monthly Special Episode 4 Dr Tenpenny, Dr Merritt, Dr Northrup, Dr Madej, Dr Larry

Conversations the world needs to hear, truth your heart needs to know.

The Five Doctors are: Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and Dr. Larry Palevsky. We have taken a stand together to educate and clarify the ongoing issues of this Plandemic, the fight for your lives, your mind, and your very soul.

WEBSITES: Dr. Lee Merritt -

Dr. Larry Palevsky -

Dr. Christiane Northrup -

Dr. Carrie Madej -

Millions Against Medical Mandates -

didn't believe it then, so now we are suffering , (not I , always knew it was planned.. stop being brain washed by the government and mainstream media )


Greatest Archaeological find in recent history

9-mile pre-flood rock art found deep in Amazon?

"The Sistine Chappel of Rock Art"


videos from some of my previous posts, people speaking of truths

They tried to warn the world

Fake - cap still on

They tried to warn the world

TURN OFF your TV - Network (1976)

A scene from the film "Network" where Howard Beale explains people how the world of television is fake

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