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ATTENTION ALL AUSTRALIANS:40,000 UN troops have entered the country to enforce mandatory vaccination

Updated: Jul 8, 2021

“The best time to act was decades ago. The second best time is now.”

David Bri

There is an urgent request for the people of Australia to rise up before it's too late.

I don't have the answers but go to the website check this out

For those wishing to take on active roles in taking back our country, there is a training program

watch the video conference, they are asking people to, Please do NOT share on social media.


We must go through the dark to come out into the light,

Not all are awake but a good wordly and godly few men and women are..

We see past the rhetoric, the plandemic, the evil that walks amoungst us.

sadly there will be many who will not make it!

Is it because they are sleep walking through life,

thinking it doesn't matter, , It doesn't affect me, I don't have time,

I don't need the stress right now.

I'm too busy, I don't believe, it's too hard

the government has it covered

All kinds of excuses to hide their fear or complacency


so caste off your shadow of fear and doubts

too many wonderful human beings have brought to light the truth








We Must Stand now and take back our Sovereignty

Our right to live life in peace love and harmony in God's creation

The Elitists Are Not God's

They have no claim on God's children

nor the right to enslave us

in their perpetual chains of greed and evil doings!

Their time has come

They must stand down

and answer to their crimes.


Not for you but for the generations after

for the children of the world right now!

You cannot leave these children to suffer

under the hands of tyranny

they are the innocent and humanities future.



I have just completed my latest blog this morning 08/07/21

please view this post your on then go and read and share



My cousin just sent me this information

Mission: to get us all vaccinated

as the saying goes straight (From the horses mouth)

Mission: to get us all vaccinated

Australian Government Department Of Defence

By Sergeant Sebastian Beurich

2 July 2021

The message reads (the link to the message as above)


Coordinator General of Operation COVID Shield Lieutenant General John Frewen sits in his office at the Department of Health's Scarborough House, Canberra. Photo: Sergeant Sebastian Beurich

The federal task force charged with delivering the COVID-19 vaccine rollout has set an ambitious target: that every eligible and willing Australian is vaccinated by the end of 2021.

That’s the plan of Coordinator General of Operation COVID Shield Lieutenant General John Frewen, who was appointed to the position in June.

Lieutenant General Frewen and his team of military planners are supplementing Health Department staff with their proven understanding of large-scale logistics and contingency planning.

Appointed with three key priorities – improving optimisation and coordination of the rollout, building public confidence and ensuring a safe and efficient rollout – Lieutenant General Frewen said the team was pushing the limits of its plan to find potential points of failure.

“I’ve set the team an ambitious goal, which far exceeds the minimum. By giving them that, we’re stress-testing and validating the current model,” he said.

“In a few weeks, you’re going to start seeing ad campaigns to motivate people who are now eligible.”

Into August and September, there will be additional places to get the vaccine. By October through December, Lieutenant General Frewen said he would use every possible means of getting the bookings completed.

“We want to inspire the nation to get it done this year – get it done in 21,” Lieutenant General Frewen said.

He said the team was fully engaged with the Health Department public servants and contractors who had been “living the rollout” to ensure it was optimised and where it could be accelerated, using the military appreciation process.

Lieutenant General Frewen said military planning and understanding of large-scale logistics was essential to achieving his goal, because there was no “one-size-fits-all approach” to getting vaccines into “every corner of our vast land”.

The rollout would be underpinned by increased transparency, including supply projections, stock-holding figures and demographic statistics, which the government intends to make public soon.

Lieutenant General Frewen said it would help build confidence and enthusiasm in the vaccination program, allowing Australians to “get back on with their livelihoods” and the freedoms they enjoy.

Communicating the program to Australians, along with stakeholder engagement, was one of the responsibilities that came with Lieutenant General Frewen’s appointment by the Prime Minister.

“We’re finishing the initial stages of the information campaign, with the campaign moving into a ‘rallying and inspiring’ phase,” Lieutenant General Frewen said.

Although fronting cameras at press conferences is not Lieutenant General Frewen’s “preferred environment”, he recognised the need to be able to reach directly into people’s homes, and that the sight of a uniform may be reassuring.

He said like with Operation Sovereign Borders, which was led by now-Chief of the Defence Force General Angus Campbell, the Prime Minister recognised the “cut-through” a military operationalised model could achieve.

“I think the PM’s view is that the military approaches problems and speaks to the nation from a position of complete neutrality. We just want to get the problem fixed, no matter what it is,” Lieutenant General Frewen said.

“Being in front of a camera is an opportunity – just one that some of us are less familiar with, but I think I’m about to become very familiar with over the weeks ahead.”

Lieutenant General Frewen is also using the opportunity to increase Australia’s support to its Pacific neighbours, providing vaccines as availability permits.

He said while the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation recommended the Pfizer vaccine for those under 60, they also said AstraZeneca should be considered in high-COVID threat environments where other vaccines weren’t available.

“Many of our Pacific partners have a high-risk profile for COVID right now,” he said.

“So I want to make sure that our close and dear friends throughout the Pacific are being given every possible access to these essential vaccines as quickly as we can



Dawn Kelly yoube channel

I chose not to vote at the last WESTERN AUSTRALIAN STATE ELECTION because I do not want to vote for an illegitimate government who are nothing more than a PRIVATE POLITICAL PARTY with no interests in WE THE PEOPLE they are more concerned with CORPORATE PROFIT.

A DEAD giveaway is the WESTERN AUSTRALIAN TREASURY CORPORATION’S WEBSITE. They tell us that they are a CORPSE-ORATION, they are a DEAD ENTITY (CORPSE) trading off of the SWEAT EQUITY of WE THE PEOPLE.....

learn more and subscribe to Dawns blog



There is only one roll call and your name is on it!

Patriot or Traitor

which will you be

IN This Urgent call to Save Our Nation


Australian Prime Minister has engaged the Army lieutenant , to war game Australians with the vaxx roll out . War upon the Australian people by a Globalist puppet.


He will be engaging in what I call a war gaming process for the delivery and the operations of the program and with states and territories tonight by Lieutenant General Frewen


OUR ANZACS, fought and died for Australians Freedoms, not to be administered by Tyranny

and Communist precepts


Australian Prime Minister has engaged the Army lieutenant, to war game Australians with the vaxx roll out

Lieutenant General Frewen

"For more than 100 years, our military has been defending Australia and protecting Australians.


The commander of the Defence COVID-19 task force said the ADF had been providing planning, logistics and contact tracing support to the whole-of-government response.

"As directed by the Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, the ADF will begin additional assistance over the weekend.

"When requested, we will be assisting the states and territories in two ways: by supporting mandatory quarantine arrangements for air arrivals into Australia and by checking self-isolation orders are being followed in homes and residences," he said.

"This is no small endeavour and not a responsibility we take lightly.

"We stand ready to support the states and territories in ensuring compliance with quarantine arrangements.

"We are here to support the state and territory law and enforcement agencies."

Lieutenant General Frewen said it was important to reiterate the ADF does not have law enforcement powers.

"We are simply assisting civilian agencies as they undertake the important work of ensuring that rules are being followed.

The new ADF act, that says they can use whatever force to inject us with their poison and that they can come to our house with no problems and do it ??

• Schedule 2—Immunities proposes amendments to: – provide Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and other Defence personnel with immunity from civil and criminal liability in certain cases while performing duties to support civil emergency and disaster preparedness, recovery and response – permit the CDF or the Secretary to extend that immunity to other persons, including members of foreign military forces and foreign police forces and – in the context of the immunity provision, provide the Minister with statutory power to direct use of the ADF and other Defence personnel to provide assistance in a natural disaster or another emergency

I was sent these photos for proof of US soldiers walking our streets, These pictures were taken in Victoria

check the pdf file for proof

Jun 28, 2021, 3:52 PM


U.S Army and Navy Personnel seen on Streets of Melbourne and Brisbane CBD's. photos from Melbourne.

US Army Regs state that Dress Uniforms are to be worn for arrival and departure of foreign Countries unless attending a Military function and if not operational civvies must be worn.

These guys are in fatigues with sleeves down, meaning they are operational

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Monica Smit gives a live update on the Truth Truck that has been spreading warnings across Victoria on the dangers of COVID vaccines. BELOW: Russell Broadbent is confronted by aged care workers over mandatory vaccination threats.

BY TONY MOBILIFONITIS HAS Dictator Dan backed down like his mate Scott Morrison on coerced vaccinations for health and aged care workers? It seems so, because the usual swarms of Victoria’s Gestapo were conspicuously absent from a small but dramatic demonstration at Warragul in Victoria on Monday. Not a cop was seen when dozens of striking aged care workers and protesters from Reignite Democracy occupied the office of Victorian Federal MP Russell Broadbent. They were there to make sure the Liberal Party politician and his boss ScoMo got the message that they are not going to take a vaccine under threat of losing their jobs. Broadbent stood outside and listened to the speakers who addressed the crowd and then heard their complaints again after he entered his office and donned a mask, which made much of what he had to say difficult to hear. Cops were also absent when Monica Smit and her Truth Truck with messaging screens and loud speakers blasted shopping centres from Geelong and across the city to Pakenham with the anti-vaccine message for two days. No hovering surveillance chopper or roadblock in sight, apparently. Has the ring of steel been broken? Is the big COVID con finally tripping over its own stupidity? The ABC reported on June 6 that “an executive update from the Department of Health” stated it was in fact “voluntary for workers to be vaccinated and to disclose if they have received a COVID-19 vaccination." Smit and Reignite Democracy went ahead with the protest anyway because the Feds had already announced they wanted mandatory weekly reporting of the numbers of vaccinated workers, which implied vaccination pressure on employees. So can Victorians now expect Dictator Dan or other Labor Party MPs in the state to open their electorate office door to protesters like Broadbent did? It's doubtful, because corrupt, seedy dictators like Andrews make sure they are as distant as possible from the public. Andrews' big spin about his slip and fall down the coast also remains highly questionable, given his record of spin and cover-up in the injured cyclist episode in 2013 involving his wife who somehow avoided a breath test at the accident scene. So some kudos to Broadbent, who certainly got an earful from the aged care workers and their supporters who rammed home the message they weren’t having vaccines. The workers might well ask who actually sent out the “executive update”. But the writing is on the wall that the COVID psyop is faltering everywhere because of push-back from a population that is just not buying the narrative. source


A quick summary of Scott Morrison's 4 phase plan

Roll UP! Roll UP! for your experimental Death Shot

Gov Death Squads.

TimsTruth Published July 2, 2021

Some Side effects. Uncontrollable Vaginal Bleeding.

Neurological Reactions .

Loss of Sight, Loss of Hearing, Smell, and Speech.


Heart attack. Stroke. Liver Failure.



SORRY Forgot to add Link. This link will blow your ever lovin mind. When you know your adversary and can identify them then you stand a chance to win.

Lucifer and Luciferians, Masters of Deception by Chuck Swindoll

viewers comments

I don't think the importance of this video can be overstated. I have researched for years and you have distilled so much information into a gripping, concise and digestible format. Thank you for your work!

Thank you so much for sharing this. This is absolute Truth! “The Serpent Seed” you never hear about, not on here. Not in FB either. I try to share this Truth whenever I can, but people would rather hear about the flower garden down the street. THIS subject should be “The Great Awakening”!

For so many years of searching, with one clue leading to the next. This has been the most complete explanation. Centuries of hiding information have been explained in 40 minutes. Chuck thank you for putting thing together. You have a special gift , god bless you



Read Here

Bloodlines of the Illuminati - By Fritz Springmeier
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Did French Virologist Luc Montagnier Actually Say Vaccination Will Kill Us & Create More Variants?

They tried to Discredit him via fake news.

watch all the way through

then listen here what Dr Luc Montagnier Actually Say's


Malcolm Roberts MP In Parliament


11,000 people so far have reported with negative side-effects from the COVID vaccine… how many have died

AustraliaOne Party - Riccardo Bosi - Masks, Lockdowns, Mandatory Vaccines

You can find out more by clicking on the below links:

Any law that purports to make it mandatory for a person to submit to a Covid-19 vaccination is invalid.

In 1945, the then Chief Justice Latham held that quarantine laws “may be regarded in most, if not all, of its aspects as a form of public health legislation”.

The Commonwealth has the power under section 51(ix) of the Constitution to make laws with respect to ‘quarantine’. This is a power granted to the Commonwealth. Not the States. At [257] of the decision, Latham CJ held that the Commonwealth “could not pass a law citizens of the submit to vaccination or immunisation”. So there are several important things that flow from the High Court decision. 1/ Vaccinations and Immunisation are matters that fall within the category of ‘quarantine’. 2/ Only the Commonwealth has the power to make laws with respect to ‘quarantine’ under section 51 [ix] of the Constitution. 3/ The Commonwealth is prohibited from passing laws requiring citizens to submit to vaccination or immunisation ( which are quarantine matters). 4/ The States have no power to make laws with respect to quarantine, including matters dealing with vaccinations and immunisation (as Latham CJ held that these are ‘quarantine’ matters). Thank you Riccardo for all that you are doing! We are most certainly on the winning team.

Highest Regards, Felicity

The “experimental” vaccine itself violates Article 32 of the Geneva Convention

Under Article 32 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited.

According to Article 147, conducting biological experiments on protected persons is a serious breach of the Convention.

The “Experimental” Vaccine Violates All 10 Nuremberg Codes – Which Carry The Death Penalty For Those Who Try To Break These International Laws:

The “Experimental” Vaccine Violates All 10 Nuremberg Codes – Which Carry The Death Penalty For Those Who Try To Break These International Laws:

1) Provides immunity to the virus

This is a “leaky” gene therapy that does not provide immunity to Covid and claims that they reduce the symptoms, but double-vaccinated are now 60% of patients who need ER or ICU with covid infections.

2) Protects the recipients from getting the virus

This gene therapy does not provide immunity and the double vaccine can still catch and spread the virus.

3) Reduces deaths due to viral infection

This gene therapy does not reduce deaths from the infection. Double-vaccinated people infected with Covid have also died.

4) Reduces the circulation of the virus

This gene therapy still allows the virus to spread because it gives zero immunity to the virus.

5) Reduces the transmission of the virus

This gene therapy still allows transmission of the virus because it does not confer immunity to the virus.

The following violations of the Nuremberg Code apply:

Nuremberg Code # 1: Voluntary consent is important

No person should be forced to take a medical experiment without informed consent.

Many media, political and non-medical people urge people to take the injection.

They do not provide information about the negative effects or dangers of this gene therapy. All you hear from them is – “safe and effective” and “the benefits outweigh the risks.”

Countries use blockades, coercion and threats to force people to take this vaccine or are banned from participating in free society under the mandate of a vaccine pass or Green Pass.

During the Nuremberg trials, the media were also prosecuted and members were killed for lying to the public, along with many of the doctors and Nazis found guilty of crimes against humanity.

Nuremberg Code # 2: Yields with fruitful results that cannot be produced by other means

As mentioned above, gene therapy does not meet the criteria for a vaccine and does not offer immunity to the virus. There are other medical treatments that give fruitful results against Covid, such as Ivermectin, vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc and strengthened immune system for flu and colds.

Nuremberg Code # 3: Basic experiments as a result of animal experiments and natural history disease

This gene therapy skipped animal experiments and went directly to human experiments.

In mRNA research used by Pfizer – a candidate study on mRNA with rhesus macaques monkeys using BNT162b2 mRNA and in that study all monkeys developed pneumonia but the researchers considered the risk low because these were young healthy monkeys from 2-4 years of age.

Israel has used Pfizer and the International Court of Justice has accepted a requirement that 80% of recipients with pneumonia should be injected with this gene therapy.

Despite this alarming development, Pfizer continued to develop its mRNA for Covid, without animal testing.

Nuremberg Code # 4: Avoid all unnecessary suffering and injury

Since the launch of the experiment and listed under the CDC VAERS reporting system, over 4,000 deaths and 50,000 vaccine injuries have been reported in the United States. In the EU, more than 7,000 deaths and 365,000 vaccine injuries have been reported. This is a serious violation of this code.

Nuremberg Code # 5: No experiment should be performed if there is reason to believe that injury or death will occur

See No. 4, based on fact-based medical data, this gene therapy causes death and injury. Previous research on mRNA also shows several risks that have been ignored for this current experimental gene experiment. A 2002 study of SARS-CoV-1 nail proteins showed that they cause inflammation, immunopathology, blood clots and inhibit Angiotensin 2 expression. This experiment forces the body to produce this nail protein that inherits all these risks.

Nuremberg Code # 6: The risk should never exceed the benefit

Covid-19 has a recovery rate of 98-99%

. Vaccine damage, death, and adverse side effects of mRNA gene therapy far outweigh this risk.

The use of “leaky” vaccines was banned for agricultural use by the US and the EU due to the Marek Chicken study which shows “hot viruses” and variants appear… make the disease even more deadly.

Nevertheless, this has been ignored for human use by the CDC aware that the risk of new, more deadly variants arises from leaky vaccinations. The CDC is fully aware that the use of leaky vaccines facilitates the emergence of hotter (more deadly) strains. Yet they have ignored this when it comes to humans

Nuremberg Code # 7: Preparations must be made for even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death

No preparations were made. This gene therapy skipped animal experiments. The pharmaceutical companies’ own clinical phase 3 studies will not end until 2022/2023. These vaccines were approved in an Emergency Use only action to force on a misinformed public. They are NOT FDA approved.

Nuremberg Code # 8: Experiments must be carried out by scientifically qualified persons

Politicians, the media and actors who claim that this is a safe and effective vaccine are not qualified. Propaganda is not medical science.

Many stores such as Walmart & drive-through vaccine centers are not qualified to administer experimental medical gene therapies to the uninformed public.

Nuremberg Code # 9: Everyone must have the freedom to end the experiment at any time

Despite the call from over 85,000 doctors, nurses, virologists and epidemiologists – the experiment does not end. In fact, there are currently many attempts to change laws to enforce vaccine compliance.

This includes mandatory and mandatory vaccinations. Experimental “sprayers” are planned every six months without using the growing number of deaths and injuries already caused by this experiment.

These update images will be administered without any clinical trials. Hopefully, this new Nuremberg trial will put an end to this crime against humanity.

Nuremberg Code # 10: The researcher must terminate the experiment at any time if there is a probable cause for injury or death

It is clear from statistical reporting data that this experiment leads to death and injury. But not all politicians, pharmaceutical companies and so-called experts make any attempt to stop this gene therapy experiment from harming a misinformed public.

Legal proceedings are progressing, evidence has been gathered and a large growing group of experts is sounding the alarm.

SF Source Humans Are Free May 2021


What People Shared

Bio Security Act 2015 section 60 & 61.

The emergency requirements are qualified and restricted by the significant fact.

The emergency requirements and directions cannot request an individual to be isolated, quarantined, detained, tested, vaccinated, social distance, wear a mask, medically treated or bodily searched amongst other actions in the absence of a biosecurity control order issued to the individual by a judge in a court of law with evidence who is showing symptoms and is sick.

Privacy Act 1988 section 94H - no one can ask you to provide medical information.

For example:

An employer or anyone asking if you are vaccinated. They are not allowed to know anything about your personal health status. It is a privacy issue.

No one can track your movements. For example: signing into a cafe or being required to have a tracking app.

You cannot be refused entry to a business that is open to the public.

Breaches of this act is a punishment of 5 years in prisonment or a 63K fine.

This is the updated 2021 Biosecurity Act. Please check it as I don't think s 60 and 61 in the 2015 Act still apply.

I have looked through it (it is 735 pages long) and as far as I can see it in effect codifies Gestapo conduct for the Governor General, the Health Minister, the Chief Medical Officer and the unspecified number of "biosecurity officers", who can, without warrant, forcefully enter your premises, with dogs, search and confiscate whatever they want, on nothing more than suspicion or belief. I would be happy to be shown to be wrong.

There was, and always has to be, a referendum when a proposal is put forward to make an amendment to the Australian Constitution. In 1973, Labor wanted an alteration to have legislative powers over incomes… this was not passed as the majority of the States said ‘no’. The Australian Constitution cannot be “stolen and rewritten” on a whim. Facts are most important when commenting.

The one thing the government can not change without our approval is the outcome of a Referendum....1946 specifically. Our grandparents voted against medical tyranny. This needs to be shared and spoken about. No one is talking about it...

This notice is issued to protect the rights and freedoms of all members of the Commonwealth of Australia. 1946 Constitutional Amendment denying the government power to force any medical or dental treatment or procedure LOCKDOWN IS UNLAWFUL -- MEDICAL COERCION IS UNLAWFUL WE MUST NOT LOSE OUR LAWFUL FREEDOMS WE DO NOT HAVE TO COMPLY

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Further resources 

Common Law of the Commonwealth of Australia downloads:  National Class Action by Advocate Me, referencing violations of the Biosecurity Act 2015:  Cops for Covid Truth:  Nuremberg Principles:

Also... the 1974 and 1988 Referendums denied financial recognition of Local Government, but LG continues some activities as if it was carried! A clinical scientist and immunologist-virologist at a southern California laboratory says he and colleagues from 7 universities are suing the CDC for massive fraud. The reason: not one of 1500 samples of people tested “positive” could find Covid-19. ALL people were simply found to have Influenza A, and to a lesser extent Influenza B. This is consistent with the previous findings of other scientists, which we have reported on several times. ‘I still need to find one viable sample with Covid-19 to work with. The CDC still has not sent us a viable, isolated and purified sample of Covid-19. If they can’t or won’t, then I say there is no Covid-19. It’s fictional.’

Deeply hidden in an official document on Covid-19, the CDC ruefully admitted as early as summer 2020 that it does not have a measurable virus: ‘As no quantified (= measured) isolated virus objects of 2019-nCoV are available at this time…’ (page 39 of the ‘CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel’ (July 13) In other words, the CDC, as one of THE leading medical authorities in the world, could not, and still cannot, demonstrate a virus.

About the for this purpose scientifically totally debunked, but still shamelessly abused PCR test, the CDC wrote under the heading ‘limitations’: ‘The detection of viral RNA cannot demonstrate the presence of an infectious virus, or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent of clinical symptoms.’ And in addition: ‘This test cannot exclude other diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens

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Australian man

Charged $5000 for not wearing a mask while drinking his coffee then handcuffed and jailed


What's happening to Children who have the Vaccine




Agenda 21 - Australia

FAQ’sabout theUN program the politicians prefer not to talk aboutGraham WilliamsonAugust2016(4thedit.

source Galileo Movement The Agenda 21 program is a guide to achieving the UN's version of politically controlled ecological sustainability. Legally, Agenda 21 is implemented in Australia under the 1992 Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment and the National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development (ESD).

In a simple easily accessed format, questions such as the following are addressed.What is Agenda 21?Is there a connection between UN climate claims and Agenda 21?Isn’t Agenda 21 just a voluntary, unenforceable agreement?Who is responsible for implementing Agenda 21?Is Agenda 21 democratically based?How is it possible to implement a UN program for 20 years without giving the people a democratic choice?Is Agenda 21 illegal or unconstitutional?How will Agenda 21 affect me?What is the best means of countering Agenda 21 & restoring democracy?This paper is of vital importance to all Australians who value freedom and democracy.

Download PDF • 726KB

Listen to Brian Shaw.

Brian has been working for 30 years to try and educate the Australian Public to the Government Control and Malefeance against all Australians

Implementing Agenda 21 - Report of the Secretary-General

Commission on Sustainable Development acting as the preparatory committee for the World Summit on Sustainable Development Second preparatory session 28 January - 8 February 2002 E/CN.17/2002/PC.2/.... ADVANCE UNEDITED TEXT

Implementing Agenda 21

Report of the Secretary-General


"Prudence must be shown in the management of all living species and natural resources, in accordance with the precepts of sustainable development.... The current unsustainable patterns of production and consumption must be changed in the interest of our future welfare and that of our descendants."

"We must spare no effort to free all of humanity, and above all our children and grandchildren, from the threat of living on a planet irredeemably spoilt by human activities, and whose resources would no longer be sufficient for their needs."

"We reaffirm our support for the principles of sustainable development, including those set out in Agenda 21, agreed upon at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development."

United Nations Millennium Declaration

and 2030


You will love this site The Avalon Library -

downloadable Nikola_Tesla_Books


'LOCKDOWNS SUMMIT' LIVE in London 17th July 2021


Question Everything are delighted to announce 1-day ‘Lockdowns’ summit on 17th July 2021 where we will assess the global response to COVID-19 and explore how the world can responsibly return to normality, without further lockdowns.

This will be the first conference of its kind to critically evaluate the global response to COVID-19 with a full programme of open discussions and presentations delivered by academics, subject matter experts and industry leaders.

The event will be held physically at the prestigious Cavendish Conference Centre in London in the presence of an invite only audience of press, academics and industry leaders and will be streamed LIVE to the public via webcast.

We invite you to join us LIVE as we critically examine the global pandemic response and present strategies that will provide a responsible path to normality, based on sound public health principles.

Register now at

Please follow and share our summit social media channels:


Youtube: link

Odysee: (Replay only LIVE coming soon)


The response to COVID-19 has without doubt created one of the single largest global catastrophes in modern history. Many countries around the world have been plunged into lockdowns and unorthodox restrictions on an unprecedented scale in an attempt to curb the virus.

However, a growing body of evidence shows that lockdowns and other interventions have not only failed to influence the course of the pandemic, but have prolonged it and created a trail of devastating short-term and long-term collateral damage that now far exceeds the (actual and potential) harms caused by the virus:

• UK Hospital waiting lists have reached a record high of 4.7 million people, with almost 390,000 of those waiting for over a year. (Source: NHS)

• Over 3 million people in backlog for cancer screening. (Source: Cancer Research UK)

• UK national debt at record high - >£2 trillion for first time ever. (Source: ONS)

• Over 112 billion days of education lost around the world. (Source: Save the Children)

• COVID-19 to plunge as many as 150 million people into extreme poverty around the world. (Source: The Economist)

The long-established rulebook for managing pandemics was thrown out to tackle COVID-19, and now is the time to review the evidence and ask why?

Introducing the 'LOCKDOWNS SUMMIT' LIVE in London 17th July 2021


2 major Australian banks have been caught out closing bank accounts, and pulling loans, of those speaking out about the Covid fraud and cover-up of the massive vaccine death and injury

By Staff Reporter

2 major Australian banks, namely Westpac and National Australia Bank, have been allegedly caught out closing bank accounts and pulling loans of those speaking out about the Covid fraud and cover-up of the massive vaccine death and injury.

London Times has sighted documents of both banks customers, (that have been outspoken on social media about the massive number of Covid vaccine death and injuries and the obvious fraud behind Covid that no longer can be denied), being given just a matter of weeks or months notice that their accounts and even loans are being closed out. The banks have refused to provide a reason why claiming they don’t have to.

The Westpac Bank, has been recently caught out also co ercing, and pushing it’s employees to partake in a rushed-to market, unproven, unnecessary, ineffective, dangerous, and deadly Global Medical Experiment and provided no accurate information on the dangers of participating or payment or compensation.


Americans Will Celebrate "Independence Day" as CDC Reveals Almost 7000 DEAD and Half a Million Injured Following COVID Injections?


Trump is was Invited by the US Military to Run for President


check these

A MUST WATCH video in link

Airport,quarantine and aged care workers cannot lawfully be forced into taking a deadly Covid shot

Any law that purports to make it mandatory for a person to submit to a COVID-19 vaccination is invalid. In 1945, the then Chief Justice Latham held that quarantine laws "may be regarded in most, if not all, of its aspects as a form of public health legislation".

The Commonwealth has the power under section 51(ix) of the Constitution to make laws with respect to 'quarantine'. This is a power granted to the Commonwealth. Not the States. At [257] of the decision, Latham CJ held that the Commonwealth "could not pass a law requiring citizens of the States... to submit to vaccination or immunization". So there are several important things that flow from this High Court decision.

1. Vaccinations and immunizations are matters that fall within the category of 'quarantine'. 2. Only the Commonwealth has the power to make laws with respect to 'quarantine' under section 51(ix) of the Constitution. 3. The Commonwealth is prohibited from passing laws requiring citizens to submit to vaccination or immunization (which are quarantine matters). 4. The States have no power to make laws with respect to quarantine, including matters dealing with vaccinations and immunizations (as Latham CJ held that these things are 'quarantine' matters). 5. The States are unable to do something that the Commonwealth is prohibited from doing under the exercise of the quarantine power. 6. Therefore the States cannot pass any law that requires citizens to submit to vaccination or immunization. 7. Part 3B of the Public Health (COVID-19 Air Transportation Quarantine) Order (No 2) (NSW) 2021 is invalid.

All workers who have been identified under the 'NSW Airport and Quarantine Workers' Vaccination Program' should consider the above before making any decision as to whether to have a COVID-19 vaccination


SO! What Is there next plan of attack on Humanity?

We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to, the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyberattack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack. We have to ask ourselves, in such a situation, how could we let this happen despite the fact we had all the information about the possibility and seriousness of a risk attack. Cybercrime and global cooperation should be on the forefront of the global agenda.

From “Event 201” to “Cyber Polygon”: The WEF’s Simulation of a Coming “Cyber Pandemic”

Last year, the World Economic Forum teamed up with the Russian government and global banks to run a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, an actual event that would pave the way for a “reset” of the global economy. The simulation, named Cyber Polygon, may have been more than a typical planning exercise and bears similarities to the WEF-sponsored pandemic simulation Event 201 that briefly preceded the COVID-19 crisis.

On Wednesday, the World Economic Forum (WEF), along with Russia’s Sberbank and its cybersecurity subsidiary BI.ZONE announced that a new global cyberattack simulation would take place this coming July to instruct participants in “developing secure ecosystems” by simulating a supply-chain cyberattack similar to the recent SolarWinds hack that would “assess the cyber resilience” of the exercise’s participants. On the newly updated event website, the simulation, called Cyber Polygon 2021, ominously warns that, given the digitalization trends largely spurred by the COVID-19 crisis, “a single vulnerable link is enough to bring down the entire system, just like the domino effect,” adding that “a secure approach to digital development today will determine the future of humanity for decades to come.”

The exercise comes several months after the WEF, the “international organization for public-private cooperation” that counts the world’s richest elite among its members, formally announced its movement for a Great Reset, which would involve the coordinated transition to a Fourth Industrial Revolution global economy in which human workers become increasingly irrelevant. This revolution, including its biggest proponent, WEF founder Klaus Schwab, has previously presented a major problem for WEF members and member organizations in terms of what will happen to the masses of people left unemployed by the increasing automation and digitalization in the workplace.



Notice these Notices or create one


On 16 June 2021, right in the middle of ‘Budget Week’, the Minister for Health, Yvette D’Ath, tabled a new Bill extending the Public Health Emergency Response measures from 30 September 2021 to 30 April 2022.


Take the Red Pill

These documentaries will help you begin the process of waking up to the truth about what’s really going on in our world.

As you take in this information, remember that our collective intention is to make this world a better place.

As always, we recommend that you do your own research.

You are going to love this site

Trump Poses a True Threat to the Deep State like They’ve Never Seen Before

Donald Trump gives one of his best speeches in his campaign for the Presidential post 2016.

Welcome, we’ve been waiting for you…

is a wealth of information a great website to start those who are confused about what is happenning in these covid times


Return to the Land and Soil Jurisdiction

This website is based on the research of Superior Court Judge Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary of occupying corporate AUSTRALIA, INC., James Belcher, the Living Law Firm, and the team of world wide researchers who have been studying, searching for, and uncovering the truth for the last 40 years, bringing us to the forefront of our journey here on the landmass commonly known as Australia… Judge Anna (non BAR member, nor Star Chamber Coram


“Their Next Step"


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