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Updated: Jul 8, 2021

“You never know how strong you are, until being strong is your only choice.”― Bob Marley

Must Read:


see article below

And I can say That anything that spills out on the COVID Scam now

tell your family and friends. It's OVER




I have added a couple of things to this blog this morning, 08/07/21 make sure you go to the

end and read

An Undertakers Letter

I checked this story and found the gentleman's facebook page.

I suppose it isn't really anything that we people think about, only when a family member or friend passes. But These people are are doing an amazing service under these shocking times

All around the world there is much pain and suffering but with all these planned CV...19

attacks on humanity, what do we do sit and wait for our own planned genocide.

read his story and then check his page




Investigator DEBORAH TAVARES updates us with a

LEAKED EMAIL that will make your blood boil!

HEAR what will ACCOMPANY the heavy worldwide lockdowns

Do your own due diligence and research - in these times everything is under scrutiny -

Bullshit Metre!


It says ------

I'll give you some background, folks, on what are claimed to be 'leaked' documents belonging to Neil Ferguson, they went viral just recently.(more Fear campaigns) The documents mention things such as 'permanent lockdowns' and 'forced vaccinations', blaming the English and Scottish football fans for this due to their travelling to and from Euro Championship games etc.. It seems this document first appeared on that 'Reddit' website. The person who posted it claims that he/she took screenshots of what was on the computer monitor of Neil Ferguson. Here's what the person wrote: IMPERIAL COLLEGE E-MAIL LEAK (COULD BE HUGE!) "I took screenshots of this Memo which was on Professor Neil Ferguson’s computer yesterday. I am not afraid – the truth about Professor Ferguson, SAGE and the lies they have told needs to come out." After some more digging, I found an ARTICLE here @ State Of The Nation

Exposing The Fraud Of COVID-19: Is This Secret Memo A Super Screw-Up By The British COVID Criminals?! Or Is It Their Rightfully Stolen Blueprint?

go to the website to view the Covid criminal conspiracy

download here

uk lockdown
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Well forget about the above article and read here first, why waste your time on more of their COVID Control narratives

Masks work - masks don't work

Social distancing 20.000 attend a sporting match but ten People only allowed at funerals and 5 per house hold to celebrate christmas... It's never made Frigging sense.

Well yes! it did to me and some other awakened souls. People were being conned..completely being gaslighted. If you lie to the people long enough the lie becomes reality.and Alegory of the cave. I did post that on one of my blogs lol!

So you can't travel, they close off state borders ( trampling on your constitutional rights)

There's five a symptomatic cases so back into lockdown. The virus only lives for fourteen days but we'll close businesses for 21 days." You can catch a train, but don't take the ferry to manly"..

( I say with a little sarcasm lol!

and as Ingrid L, wrote

If You lie to the people about lack of recourses ( beds, respirators, drugs etc) then you destroy trust. If you declare an emergency in March and the tell people that they can fly abroad for holidays in August only to then tell people that the emergency has not lessened in September. If you pass laws making it mandatory for school children to go to school despite the threat whilst closing schools because of that threat. If you allow economic migrants to cross the English Channel and then send them throughout Britain while refusing to test people arriving at the airports you undermine any trust you might have had. When people realise they are being conned ( nudged ) they begin to ignore any message you wish to give out. Nudging is not enough if it is not matched by coherent actions by the government. The Soviet Union collapsed when the people stopped believing the incoherent nudging by the authorities who constantly said things were getting better when they clearly were not. Cynicism begins when a person realises they are being lied too. Once a person switches off from the nudger it is difficult to regain their positive trust and attention.


So what am I on about?????



A manufactured "Covid Operation"

A well plannned and executed. disturbing account of how easy it is to take control of people who assume that they will continue to enjoy freedom without holding government, the media, and many others accountable.

BUT DON'T LISTEN TO CONSPIRACIST HE/SHE just might be right! It was always a

Scandemic of Planned - Emic proportions

and SO What am I on about.....

What is revealed in this Interview - should make you angry enough to push your buttons - to Hold those responsible, accountable for the crimes of genocide and get back to Living

so how did they secretively orchestrate a mass psyhop against humanity

with a set of tools to fool


using two major tools. One is, of course, psychology, psychological operations; and the other, which transports this psychological operation, is the mainstream media.

So, If anything I recommend you all be reading this Interview. Some extremely important information to enlighten the brain cells and maybe awaken the hypnotised from the rinse and repeat cycle of brain washing techniques used by these world criminals


Iteration is the repetition of a process in order to generate a sequence of outcomes. The sequence will approach some end point or end value. Each repetition of the process is a single iteration, and the outcome of each iteration is then the starting point of the next iteration. In mathematics and computer science, iteration is a standard element of algorithms.

So first -

Take a look at the recording of their webinar below.

If You can't see through this well planned Covid19 operation ... Testing Testing..

30,000 participants

such a wonderful craft /witch crafting/spells and potions/ mind bending


Since February 2020, our dedicated COVID-19 team has been supporting the global COVID-19 response by advising governments and public bodies on how a behavioural change approach can improve the efficacy of coronavirus communications. Now we want to share our findings with you! Our first ever webinar explored the coronavirus pandemic and collated some behavioural principles that can be used to communicate more effectively during this time.

Remember EVENT 201 - and watch HERE the first simmulation before the Corona Virus was unleashed upon the world

So here we have a well practiced senario thats helped world Governments increase the effectiveness of their propaganda, helped support mass suffering and disparity the world over...and no, it is not enough to say, "I was just doing my job.(" NEUREMBURG TRIALS 2")

The most consequential thing to happen in the world since World War II, this event has been perpetrated by a wide network of enemies of the people who have managed to disguise themselves as public servants, health professionals, and founders and heads of global non-profits. They are everywhere, they are incredibly rich, powerful, and they are intent on getting their way.

With knowledge comes power to the people.

So, with the right information revealed absolute truth will motivate masses of people to reject what Klaus Schwaub and his cohorts referred to as "the new normal," or "build back better"

and "You will ,Own nothing and Be happy"

or Bill Gates, life will only return to "normal" once there is widespread adoption of a coronavirus vaccine ( maybe he should take his medicine by injection when he has to answer to the worlds people )

When the lie of the planacentury is revealed, Humanity must do whatever is required to take back their lives, and to ensure that future generations will live free. And The Lessons never forgotten.The abominations of EVIL must never be forgotten as to rear it's ugly head again,




are working dillgently to bring these Psychos to accountability for their crimes against Humanity

In the Interview is mentioned


Influencing behaviour through public policy


by Applying behavioural insights to COVID-19

Since February 2020, our dedicated COVID-19 team has been supporting the global COVID-19 response by advising governments and public bodies on how a behavioural change approach can improve the efficacy of coronavirus communications.

Saturday, 29th May 2021
On 28 May 2021, I gave evidence to the 54th session of the Stiftung Corona Ausschuss, the German-based extraparliamentary inquiry by lawyers into the medical establishment’s and public policymakers’ handling of the Covid crisis internationally.
The theme for the day during the 54th session was “Caught between nudging and side effects”. A transcript of my testimony is below.
Auch auf Deutsch erhältlich.
Reiner Füllmich: Brian, I apologise for having kept you waiting for twenty minutes or so.
Brian Gerrish: That’s absolutely fine, and I’d just like to say that I don’t speak German but it was fascinating watching you and listening, and it was wonderful to see you start laughing, because you looked very serious in most of the dialogues that I’ve listened to.
There was one word that I picked up that I found very interesting, and that was Wahnsinn, which came up several times, particularly when [persecuted primary school headmistress] Bianca was speaking.
Reiner Füllmich: You know what it means, right?
Brian Gerrish: Yes, “madness”. And I’m going to say to you: it’s not madness. What we are facing is calculated, and it’s a mistake to call it “madness”, because it’s very precise; it’s very calculated. We need to understand that in order to be able to deal with what we’re facing.
Reiner Füllmich: That’s very interesting to hear, because we have come to the conclusion that “the other side”, as we call them, is using two major tools. One is, of course, psychology, psychological operations; and the other, which transports this psychological operation, is the mainstream media.
.org-Whistleblower Newspaper industry chiefs criminally negligent over Covid scare

Can you tell us a little about your background? READ the full Interview here

Brian Gerrish: First of all, I’d agree with you that the Coronavirus “pandemic”, if we want to call it that in inverted commas, did catch everybody by surprise. I don’t think we saw that coming, and it happened very quickly. So I’d certainly agree with you on that.

But I’ll come back to the fact that we started to see very, very serious things things happening in the UK. If I just focus immediately on the Government’s use of applied behavioural psychology: back in 2010 and 2011, we as the UK Column were warning that the Government had set up a team which was called the Behavioural Insights Team [UK Column note: whose former homepage address '' now redirects to the consciously globalist '']. This was a team of psychologists who were working directly alongside not only the political process, but the policy-forming process within the British Government.

A critical document which we found in 2010 was called Mindspace (you can find it very easily by searching online for it as a PDF document). In that document, the Government admitted that it was using applied behavioural psychology to influence how it designed policy and how it implemented policy.

At one particular point in that document—in fact, it’s at the bottom of page 66, if I remember correctly—the Government boasts that it can change the way people think and behave, and that people will not be aware that this has been done to them. But it adds the caveat that if they do realise that their behaviour is changed, they will not know how it was changed.

Full Interview transcript pdf

.org-Brian Gerrishs testimony to Reiner Füllmich Our oppressors are very frightene

THE TOOLS OF Psychology 

Brian Gerrish: Yes, “madness”. And I’m going to say to you: it’s not madness. What we are facing is calculated, and it’s a mistake to call it “madness”, because it’s very precise; it’s very calculated. We need to understand that in order to be able to deal with what we’re facing.

From Magic To Madness - The Government's NLP Assault on Our Minds Magic To Madness - The Governments NLP Assault on Our Minds
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Reiner Füllmich: That’s very interesting to hear, because we have come to the conclusion that “the other side”, as we call them, is using two major tools. One is, of course, psychology, psychological operations; and the other, which transports this psychological operation, is the mainstream media are all Pavlovs dogs now
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Behavioural Change in a Common Purpose

Can the lucrative mind-changing industry possibly deny that this may be so, do they have evidence to refute it? Consider that the Cabinet Office's 'Nudge' programme is not only real - it has been running for several years with funding running into the £ millions - and it is so effective the applied behavioural technology has been sold to the US and Australia. Does it work? Well, the government's own 'Mindspace' document says that people will be changed but not aware of the fact, or they might realise they are changed but not know how they have been changed. Change in a Common Purpose
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COVID Coercion: Boris Johnson's Psychological Attack on the UK Public

Coercion: the practice of forcing another party to act in an involuntary manner by use of threats or force. Coercion Boris Johnsons Psychological Attack on the UK Public
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Increasing the Public's Compliance with Social Distancing

Scotland's Secret Shame

Children as currency Secret Shame
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British Cabinet Office Collaborates With French Brainwashing Guru To Change The Way We Think

The Independent article warned how the public is to be reframed or “nudged” into politically acceptable "Social Norms"; starting with healthy eating, voluntary work and tax gathering. While this may seem innocent to some people, these early ‘soft’ targets are already being greatly expanded to include wider central government ideological and political agendas, including Cameron's socialist straitjacket of the Big Society. Elite multi-millionaire Socialist and Tory Chancellor George Osborne has already signed up to Behavioural Economics - another form of mental reframing of individuals and groups, specifically to achieve political economic objectives. Their theory and intent is, that once mentally retrained, we “willingly rush to pay excessive taxes”.
The danger is that we are to be trained to believe what our politicians and public sector - The State - says is right. And we will not even be aware that we have been ‘reframed’ to think so. Never mind the basics - politicians have been proved corrupt, deviant, liars  - the Soviet Union would have paid in blood and gold for Cameron’s political mind-control initiative to lock people in a hive mind.

.org-British Cabinet Office Collaborates With French Brainwashing Guru To Change T

The Franco British Council Plan To Destroy Britain’s Military Capability Franco British Council Plan To Destroy Britains Military Capability
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Psychological Attack on the UK Coercion Boris Johnsons Psychological Attack on the UK Public
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Behavioural Insights: The Second Team Leading the UK Government’s Covid-19 Response

.org-Behavioural Insights The Second Team Leading the UK Governments Covid-19 Resp

We're All In This Together All In This Together
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The key gentleman concerned with this was a man called Dr David Halpern. That meeting was not properly minuted in a proper official sense, but they did put out a briefing sheet from the meeting, and in that document, which I think was dated 22 March 2020


The key gentleman concerned with this was a man called Dr David Halpern. That meeting was not properly minuted in a proper official sense, but they did put out a briefing sheet from the meeting, and in that document, which I think was dated 22 March 2020, it admitted that the SAGE team and the Government’s policy on Coronavirus was going to use applied psychology in order to ramp up fear in the population, in order to get the population to adhere more closely to the Government’s policy over the response to Coronavirus.

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Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and Alex Thomson with today's UK Column News, bringing you the latest Coronavirus updates.
START – The UK government’s CoronaVirus (COVID-19) recovery strategy
50,000 UK excess deaths – how many have been caused by the lockup…?
Boris knows that Behavioural Insights team have been ramping up fear via the media
Sky News: care homes ‘almost compelled’ to take people who may have COVID-19
Bill Gates: ‘Pandemic 2’ happening in the imminent future – how does he know…?
Government able to label regular winter flu as CoronaVirus in future as it pleases…
New Joint Biosecurity Centre – meet centre head Tom Hurd (son of Douglas Hurd)
JBC has a vested interest in keeping the threat level high to maintain its existence
Douglas Hurd: fluent in Chinese & (along with Francis Maud) signed Maastricht Treaty
How is the UK government really being run…? Meet king Mark Sedwill
Government furlough scheme: the most expensive unemployment benefit on the planet
How will government raise the money to pay for all these benefits…?
A rapid re-engineering of government’s structure & institutions is underway…
Plymouth MP Johnny Mercer echoes government CV advice: advice becomes threat
Where is evidence for the benefit of social distancing and the two metre rule…?
Twitter: covert censorship on social media – Behavioural Insights team hard at work
The Lancet: monitoring BI related to CV – report links to World Health Organisation
32:57 – UK Column gets email from Australia on MainStream Media CV propaganda
China inspiring Italy…? Welcome to the New World Order…
Vanessa Beeley: children should not be deprived of censory contact
The minds of children are being damaged and depressed
Dutch dining alone…distancing in Germany with plastic head bubble
Mail Online: ‘bubble’ socialising could start from next month…
Public identify the danger of an unsubstantiated science label
40:35 – Genomics England commissioned to sequence whole genomes of CV patients
Gordon & Sarah Brown: global leaders demand G20 task force to co-ordinate CV response
Soros seizes the moment: CoronaVirus endangers the survival of ‘our’ civilisation
The Post by UnHerd: has Germany just blown up the Eurozone…?
Soros suggests issuing consolidated bonds – never to be fully repaid
Beware the subscription model…
47:51 – Cabinet Office effectively running the UK government: non-executive directors…
Directors are usually only involved in corporations…is government now a corporation…?
Common Purpose connections and lobbying organisations in the heart of government
What does the Cabinet Office really do…should it even exist…?

Now, of course, the techniques that are being used on adults—these psychological techniques to induce stress and fear—are also being used on the children. I could only understand a tiny bit of what she was talking about, but I understood enough to grasp—correct me if I’m wrong—that the rules change, so she doesn’t know what the rules are from time to time. Psychotherapist Warns Of The COVID Lockdown Dangers to Children
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Brian Gerrish: Right. And what that is, the uncertainty and the change in the rules: that is part of the psychological attack. Because the uncertainty immediately is putting people in a position of stress and anxiety and confusion. And if we go back into the professional world of applied psychology, people who are in a distressed, confused state are very susceptible to further messages and instructions. If there’s a fire in a building and people are starting to panic, the first person that starts to give clear commands to the people, those commands will be followed. And that is due to the psychological state.

Now, I’m not professionally trained in psychology; I do know a reasonable amount, which I’ve now learnt as a result of the investigations that I do.

But the other point that I want to bring into this is that many years ago, we started to get very interested in a charity called Common Purpose. Common Purpose, as a charity, said it was there to create “future leaders in society

The NHS Common Purpose: Towards A Million Change Agents NHS Common Purpose Towards A Million Change Agents
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In essence, this is true; but what we were interested in is where we started to see the use of neurolinguistics in government policy.
So, [we must] bring these two together:
- It is a fact that the British Government set up a specific applied psychology team.
- It is a fact that that team was promoting ideas to make the population fearful around the pandemic.
But, on a much bigger scale, that team was using—amongst other things—NLP in order to influence virtually every document that the Government was producing.
I don’t know whether any of your team have come across NLP before, but I’ll say that it’s an open secret (you can go and research it, and many professional people teach it) that essentially it’s a form of hypnosis. And this means that you can put across ideas and concepts to people which are not necessarily just going through their conscious mind.
This is fact; this is not fiction.

So, in 2016 [N.B.: Brian said ‘2011’ by mistake, which was the year of the previous Pandemic Preparedness Paper], we had a thing called Exercise Cygnus, which was the UK influenza pandemic preparedness plan.

That was followed by other official documents talking about a possible future pandemic, and then in 2017, there was a very significant document called Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response [N.B.: Brian generalised the name as “Preparing for the Next Pandemic”].





Persuasion and Coercion keep the plan working

So Australia, we just had the Delta Varient - looks like another coming Folks....

How many are they going to throw up at us - worse than an erupting volcano

see at link;

gretta fahey

Our senior politicians and media presenters are under mind control programming to the point that they are now doing more harm than good for us.  THE COVID-19 VACCINE IS A WEAPON OF BIO-TERRORISM AND AN ACT OF WAR AGAINST THE PEOPLE. GRAPHENE OXIDE NANO PARTICLES IS THE REASON FOR THE PANDEMIC AND GLUTOTHIONE IS THE CURE. The flu vaccines and the covid-19 vaccines contain graphene oxide nano particles which are electrically conductive and can be used as a human brain computer interface. When graphene becomes embedded in your brain and body you become an antenna so that data can be harvested from your brain and body and information such as audio, video, pain and electric shock can be transmitted to your brain and body. Graphene oxide inside the brains and bodies of both human beings and animals is being used for population behavioural control and mind control programming and data harvesting among many other uses. I obtained the following information from this online link 
The covid-19 masks contain graphene oxide nano particles. The swabs being used in both PCR and antagen tests contain graphene oxide nano particles. All covid-19 vaccines contain graphene oxide nano particles. All anti-flu vaccines contain graphene oxide nano particles. Graphene oxide causes blood clots. Graphene oxide causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm. Graphene oxide accumulates in the lungs and causes pneumonia. Graphene oxide causes a metallic taste in the mouth. The inhalation of graphene oxide causes inflamation of the mucus membrane and thus a loss of taste and smell. Graphene oxide aquires powerful magnetic proeprties inside the human body this this is the explanation for the magnetic phenomenon that billions of people around the world have experienced. In short, graphene oxide is the supposed SARS-COV-2, the supposed new coronavirus that caused the disease known as covid-19. This is the real reason why we have never had real isolation and purification of a new coronavirus as recognised by most health institutions at the highest level and in different countries where they were questioned abourt covid-19. Like any material, graphene oxide has what we call and electronic absorbtion band. That means that it absorbs a certain frequency which excites and oxidises this material very rapidly and it acts against a natural anti-oxidant in our bodies called glutathione . This precise frequency band is emitted in the new emission bandwidth of the new 5G wireless technology. This is why the deployment of these antennas never stopped during the pandemic. In fact they were among the few services that were maintained apart from a special surveillance by the state security forces. Now that we know that the cause of the etiological agent of the disease is a chemical toxicant and not a biological agent we know how to attenuate it by increasing glutothione levels in our bodies. Glutathione is a natural anti-oxident. Glutothione levels are high in children. You can take glutothione directly or else you can take a treatment called N-acetylcystine which is a precursor of glutathione in the human body. The human body has a natural capacity to eliminate the toxicant called graphene oxide so you will be asked by those who wish to wirelessly enslave you to take a top up dose of graphene oxide in the form of a vaccine every six months. You must refuse to do so. Try to get the above described bio-weapon out of your brain and body before 5G is switched on in your area. Most of this information was discovered by Spanish Scientists and their website is called ________________________________________________________________________________ The following is a quote from well known industrialist Elon Musk as follows:- "I am about to announce a 'Neuralink' product that connects your brain to computers. ________________________________________________________________________________ The following are quotes from Professor Charles Morgan, who works for the Department of National Security at the University of New Haven, United States. You can attach a human brain to a device. You can attach a human brain to another human brain. You can direct the motor activity of a human being. You can send information and communication to a human being. You can implant electrodes in brain tissue and take a biological signal and turn it into an electrical signal and amplify it. You can create any product and you can insert it into a human and you can remotely control it. You can have things activated in other peoples brains. It may affect the way they think and act. You can design a cell to do anything, then inject it into a human being and activate it remotely. You can erase, modify and change memory. _____________________________________________________________________________ The following are quotes from Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University Medical Centre, United States. "N3 next generation non-invasive neuro modulation is the capability to put vast arrays of sensing and transmitting electrodes deep within the brain in non-invasive or minimally invasive ways to allow real time access to read from the living brain and write into the living brain remotely through the cloud, through the web, via distance, across time". They use a variety of technological based pharmaceuticals that allow us to use nano materials to access the brain in ways that heretofore were unimaginable and impossible

Psychological Attack on the UK

Sunday, 3rd January 2021
We are in unprecedented times. Not because of the deadliest virus known to mankind, but because we have never been attacked with such ferocious psychological methods as is deliberately being done today by our UK and Scottish governments; measures to coerce us, manipulate us, to scare us, to shame us, and to make us shame other people for not following orders pertaining to COVID–19 measures.
We have been warned previously by many who suffered totalitarian communism in Eastern Europe. We were warned for many decades that such a moment would come to the West if we were not vigilant enough; unfortunately, it seems that our watchfulness has failed and our liberty has been stolen.
We have a lot to learn from history and from the great Russian writer and critic of Soviet communism, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, especially in our present era of the COVID–19 Brave New Normal. In his address to Harvard University in 1978, Solzhenitsyn said:
Many of you have already found out, and others will find out in the course of their lives, that truth eludes us if we do not concentrate our attention totally on its pursuit. But even while it eludes us, the illusion of knowing it still lingers and leads to many misunderstandings. Also, truth seldom is pleasant; it is almost invariably bitter. There is some bitterness in my speech too, but I want to stress that it comes not from an adversary, but from a friend.
Likewise, when it comes to our era of the COVID–19 Brave New Normal, there are many bitter truths we have to face now.

Applied behavioural psychology
One bitter truth is that we are being manipulated, coerced, frightened and shamed by the state; the very same state that is supposed to have our best interests at heart. The UK and Scottish Governments are using applied behavioural psychology, breaking the ethical guidelines for psychologists, to deliberately ramp up fear in the population. A group of psychologists called SPI-B, part of SAGE, have been tasked with advising the UK and Scottish Governments how to get people to adhere to COVID–19 restrictions. Their document which is freely available on the UK Government website, and which was reported on the UK Column News of 11th May 2020, states  the following:
A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened.
The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.
The psychologists of SPI-B and the UK Government knew fear alone would not be enough. Therefore, SPI-B suggested to government the use and promotion of social approval for desired behaviours, to consider enacting legislation to compel required behaviours, and to consider the use of social disapproval for failure to comply. They have used the mainstream media and social media, along with false "fact-checking" and censorship, to get their message across, and it has been working.
Professional standards
The tactics of the SPI-B psychologists who are informing the UK and Scottish Governments’ policies on the COVID–19 response are, in my opinion, contrary to the ethical and practice guidelines of the British Psychological Society (BPS), the psychology equivalent of the Hippocratic Oath for medicine. Below are some excerpts from two documents: the British Psychological Society Code of Ethics and Conduct (2018) and the British Psychological Society Practice Guidelines (2017).
From the British Psychological Society Code of Ethics and Conduct document:
[From Section 3.1]

Statement of values: Psychologists value the dignity and worth of all persons, with sensitivity to the dynamics of perceived authority or influence over persons and peoples and with particular regard to people’s rights.

In applying these values, Psychologists should consider:
(i) Privacy and confidentiality;
(ii) Respect;
(iii) Communities and shared values within them;
(iv) Impacts on the broader environment – living or otherwise;
(v) Issues of power;
(vi) Consent;
(vii) Self-determination;
(viii) The importance of compassionate care, including empathy, sympathy, generosity, openness, distress tolerance, commitment and courage.
3.3 Responsibility
Because of their acknowledged expertise, Psychologists enjoy professional autonomy; responsibility is an essential element of autonomy. Psychologists must accept appropriate responsibility for what is within their power, control or management. Awareness of responsibility ensures that the trust of others is not abused, the power of influence is properly managed and that duty towards others is always paramount.
Statement of values: Psychologists value their responsibilities to persons and peoples, to the general public, and to the profession and science of Psychology, including the avoidance of harm and the prevention of misuse or abuse of their
contribution to society.
In applying these values, psychologists should consider:
(i) Professional accountability;
(ii) Responsible use of their knowledge and skills;
(iii) Respect for the welfare of human, non-humans and
the living world;
(iv) Potentially competing duties.
From the British Psychological Society Practice Guidelines document:
4. Safeguarding
Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect […] Abuse takes many forms and cuts through various domains of life. The categories below are often referred to in investigation/legislation context and are not mutually exclusive with e.g. emotional abuse featuring in the other domains of abuse. Abuse can be found across all sections of society, irrelevant of gender, age, ability, religion, race, ethnicity, personal circumstances, financial background or sexual orientation.

• Physical abuse is the use of physical force or mistreatment of one person by another which may or may not result in actual physical injury. This could include hitting, poisoning, deprivation of food, water or liberty, rough handling or exposure to heat or cold, amongst other things […]

• Psychological/emotional abuse is behaviour that is psychologically harmful or inflicts mental distress by threat, humiliation or other verbal/non-verbal conduct. This may include threats, blaming, controlling, intimidation or coercion amongst other things.

• Financial abuse is actual or attempted theft, fraud or burglary. It is the misappropriation or misuse of money, property, benefits, material goods or other asset transactions which the person did not, or could not, consent to, or which were invalidated by intimidation, coercion or deception […]

• Institutional abuse is the mistreatment or neglect by a regime or individuals, in settings which people who may be at risk reside in or use. Institutional abuse may occur when routines, systems and regimes result in poor standards of care, poor practice and behaviours, inflexible regimes and rigid routines which violate the dignity and human rights of the adults and place them at risk of harm. It may occur within a culture that denies, restricts or curtails privacy, dignity, choice and independence. It involves the collective failure of a service provider or an organisation to provide safe and appropriate services and includes a failure to ensure the necessary preventative and/or protective measures are in place.

• Neglect is the persistent failure to meet basic physical and/or psychological needs. It may involve a parent or carer failing to provide adequate food, clothing and shelter, failing to provide or unresponsiveness to, basic emotional needs or failing to protect from physical harm.
It seems quite clear from the above ethics and practice guidelines that the explicit tactics of SPI-B — making people more fearful by deliberately ramping up their sense of personal threat, and encouraging people to shame others for not following regulations — have breached the ethical and practice guidelines governing the use of applied psychology.
Mental health crisis....



A quick lesson why Australia isn't really what you think!

The biggest tragedy is most people sleep walked through their whole life never knowing that we even have an Australian Constitution... Once upon a time OUR beloved constitution was taught in our schools.

What has been judicially described as ‘the sovereignty of the Australian people’ is also recognised by section 128 which provides that any change to the Constitution

must be approved by the people of Australia.

Changed Only By Referendum,

Through lack of our Constitutional knowledge

They stole your country by stealth,

suppressing Our Common Law rights - and Sovereignty, usurping the Australian Peoples power Into the Control of Political Parties and Corporations -

(Smells A like Dictatorship) Any one like a Claytons drink!

the one you have that you didn't know you had) in other words

we have been lied to thinking we have a Common Law Sovereign country.......Imacogindewheel

"All sorts of strange things happen in politics, but I think Australia is a lost cause as a sovereign state," Assange said.

He added that "halting increasing surveillance in Australia is [also] a lost cause."

"The capital of Australia is [in fact] Washington DC," Assange said, in a clear reference to surveillance cooperation between the two countries

Assange went even further by arguing that as far as surveillance tactics are concerned, one might as well consider the US, the UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia as one country.

Ecuador granted Assange asylum on August 16, 2012, helping him to avoid prosecution in the United States, where he could face multiple espionage charges for leaking classified US documents, if extradited.

Assange played a key role in uncovering a global surveillance network, in which the communications of high-level politicians, diplomatic missions, businesses and ordinary citizens were intercepted by US and UK intelligence services.

It's time to awake from your slumber people

YOU HAVE BEEN HAD for centuries, time for you to go down the rabbit whole.. Unfortunately right now, we Don't have time because these Evil shit's are just about to annilihate every man women and child

They have us surrounded by the covid lies, thats already killing and maiming people around the globe via the rollout of the biologicaal weaponised mRNA injection

( see the many previous posts for info)

Right Now our country is surrounded by UN Soldiers,


US Soldiers - WHY???

The Government have our own ADF ready to go door to door of every Australian house hold to ensure you take your deadly medicine.. (exterminate' exterminate') .

They have been given orders by their masters of The United Nations to now take every single gun still available in the possession of some Australians... Disarm a nation totally.. Why would that be? Hmm!

Your've been corralled in your homes

(1. An enclosure for confining livestock. )

The signs are blatently clear

Advertised to your hypnotised minds...

pumping it out daily on msm

NOW it's


sorry Orders, aren't laws and neither are Directives...

So take off those damn masks and breath oxygen.

The government is more deadly to your health

than a virus that has now been proven to have been created in a lab and has a patent.

Pandemic... thats isn't a pandemic.. It's a well thought out covert control mechanism used to keep the useless eaters living in fear.

How sneaky a lab created virus Covid19 and finish it with a mass culling via a mRNA, experimental Vax, the perfect weapon of mass genocide a Cure in disguise.

If You Don't Take The Medicine,

You will soon when they knock on your door to enforce it!




Prior to our Constitution being enacted in 1901 each of the six Australian states were separate colonies with their own laws and governments. Each of these colonies came together in the 1890’s to construct our Constitution and ultimately form our country – UNITING a COMMON - WEALTH - NATION of people


WHEREAS the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,


Before 1900, there was no actual country called Australia, only the six colonies – New South Wales, Tasmania, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, and Western Australia. While these colonies were on the same continent, they were governed like six rival countries and there was little communication between them. Until the 1880s, there was limited interest in the idea of uniting the colonies into one country and the influential businessmen in the colonies seemed more interested in protecting their own economic bases.

Things began to change in the 1890s as a severe drought resulted in a recession and violent industrial strikes. By 1888, 70% of the population had been born here and there was a growing nationalist sentiment. Communication had improved with the colonies linked to each other and the world by the Overland Telegraph and submarine cable. Germany, France and Russia were expanding in the Pacific and the colonies could better defend themselves with a single army and navy. Thousands of Chinese migrants came to Australia during the gold rush. People wanted to restrict the economic competition of migrants from Asia. The best way to do this was for all the colonies to act together and work out a common immigration policy.

Federation would deliver free trade between the states and protection from the rest of the world.



AGENDA 21 IN AUSTRALIA FAQ’s about the UN program the politicians prefer not to talk about

Graham Williamson August2016 (4thedit.)

This paper is of vital importance to all Australians who value freedom and democracy.

At a time when the mainstream media, through incompetence and through pursuit of their own agendas, continue to abandon their watchdog role and let the people down, it is essential that the people take that extra effort to ensure they are correctly and fully informed.Democracy, without full and correct information, and genuine choice, is as good as a dictatorship

What is ‘Agenda 21’?Agenda 21is the United Nations global program for the 21stcentury. It is an attempt by the UN to control people and resources throughout the world under the guise of protecting the environment and assuring the ecological sustainability of the world.The United Nations adopts the view that only a global ‘solution’ will be effective and therefore all the countries of the world are required to transfer political power and finance to the UN, and cooperate with their requirements. Allin the claimed interests of ‘sustainability’(9).The UN will decide what they consider to besustainable, as well asunsustainable practices, which musteither be restricted or cease completely.Agenda 21 is part of post war attempts to create a new (global) world order, a fact noted by the OECDand cited by the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB)in the Appendix to their 2001 Annual Report in which they state:

continue: enlighten yourself, a must download and

Former Australian Politician Anne Bressington exposes Agenda 21 in 2008

Pauline Hanson ; One Nation

How to stop Agenda 21. Pauline Hanson No Coronavirus COVID 19 found here.

No need for 6-8 mth lock down, industry would fail and not recover. UK, Canada, US, Aus, EU need to see this.

Work and economy 00:33

No Coronavirus COVID-19 found 00:44

Own Nation building 03:52

Parental rights 05 :38

Gun rights 07:54

People sick 12:14

WHO (we should get out) 12:49

Pauline Hanson common sense pulls COVID-19 Agenda 21 apart.


Done by stealth and without consent of the uninformed public

Romley Stewart - how to find the


Romley Stewart presents step-by-step instructions to guide you through the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (USSEC) website. He asks: is Australia a privately owned for-profit corporation, invaded by stealth, with a US SEC CIK number (Central Index Key) of # 0000805157? Update: since filming this video, Tony Abbott has been toppled in a successful leadership challenge on 15 September 2015 by Malcolm Turnbull, who consequently became the 29th Prime Minister of Australia. Neither Malcolm Turnbull or Mike Baird (the current Premier of of New South Wales after the shock resignation of former NSW Premier, Barry O'Farrell) ever received a single vote from the Australian public when attaining their respective leadership roles.




learn of

Australia – Council Rates Abolished – the fraud


Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is 'Total Population Control


A reminder of what our past men did for our country Fearless heroes who were prepared to die for our country and it's future generations. These are Real Men, heroes of our Nations past who believed in the present generations, to keep it's peace, sovereignty and freedoms for all..

Do we let them down , ourselves and future children's legacy or DO WE STAND UNITED again

You can only Kill us once. You only live and die once, So what is it by a prick of a needle or by

OUR own Swords of Fearless love for our country and fellow men and women.

To all the women you must stand as well. Our duty is for all of us to Be as One without fear,

A love for our freedoms and protection of the children and the elderly.

Do we become a GODLESS country or Devils advocates....Imacogindewheel


Pastor John watch @link

The Battle of Beersheba Palestine,daring WWI cavalry charge

of the Australian Light Horse

Two Steps from Hell - Victory Charge of the Australian Light Horse, Beersheba - extended version


Experts Predict What Life Will Be Like After A COVID-19 Vaccine Arrives

Will we still have to wear masks? Can we go to events?

Will the people stand up and reject what is referred to as "the new normal," and let the puppet masters steal your free will or do whatever is required to take back your lives, and ensure that future generations will live free




God's Miracle at Dunkirk

What a fantastic account of this incredible event in history.

"Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them." Deuteronomy 4:9

May this vital piece of the Dunkirk story, absent from the films and omitted from most other accounts, never be forgotten.Sue Bigby


“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”― Mark Twain


A doctor was asked yesterday when he thought the pandemic might end...his answer was, I don't know , I'm not a politician...



They're not after me, They're after you.Im just in their way - Donald J Trump


Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is 'Total Population Control


An Undertakers Letter

I checked this story and found the gentleman's facebook page.

I suppose it isn't really anything that we people think about, only when a family member or friend passes. But These people are are doing an amazing service under these shocking times

read his story and then check his page John O'Looney I am a funeral director running his own funeral home - for the doubters this is me, I have been in the trade 15 years. What I will say is last year the death rate was totally normal in fact many of my colleagues turned their fridges off before Christmas because there was no one to put in them. We returned after Christmas and they began v… locally on January 6th and the death rate immediately went through the roof. In fact in fifteen years I’ve never seen a death rate like it. Then as suddenly as it began it ceased. We haven’t seen a C… death for three months now. I had a government sponsored pandemic guy who used to call me every Monday he would ask me two questions. How many deceased have I collected that week where they come from and how many were C…. and this was in order to collect C..death numbers. I explained I had collected people from care homes who were not C… but had simply passed to old age. He then began steering me saying “but wasn’t there c.. in that care home or hospital” Deliberate inflating C.. numbers despite me insisting they were not. After some months he finally admitted to me he did not know why he was doing the job as everyone was saying the same thing – there were no C… deaths. Some months ago I looked after a senior consultant who lost his wife. We got quite close and he told me openly never to take a j@b and he told me they are very very dangerous. When it first appeared like everyone else I was very concerned. One of the first deceased I had in my care when the event started was a six-year-old girl who had passed due to cancer. Naturally her family wanted to see her and this was at a time when funeral directors were taking Coffins straight to the hospital and sealing them. No washing no dressing and frankly because they could get away with it. How could I tell this family they could not see their little girl ? So I washed and dressed this little girl and had her embalmed and I then thought “ if I can do this for them I can do this for everyone” So that’s exactly what I’ve done through this whole C… episode I have washed and dressed every C.. labelled deceased personally this is dozens and dozens and dozens of people and I did so without a mask because I could not get any. I’m 53 I have high blood pressure and I am an asthmatic. This is supposedly the worlds deadliest event - it’s a miracle I’m alive eh… 🙄 Now I will tell you as a funeral director I have seen massive effort made to deliberately inflate C… death numbers. Cancer patients and stroke victims and even one guy that was run over all ended up with C… on their death certificates - why ? I’ve also spoken to numerous families who were extremely angry and upset that C… was on the d certificate - they know their love ones did not have. Many of the alleged p0sitive tests were performed on those that passed away post-mortem as well raising obvious concern for their legitimacy I've already seen local authority tenders for huge temporary massive mortuaries up and down the country and the contracts run from this winter until 2025. So it seems that despite these wonder drugs they still feel the need to pre-install huge mortuaries this winter and this is something I have never seen done before in 15 years as an undertaker. I’m honestly dreading this winter I’m telling you because if I save one life - it is worth me doing so and I’m not afraid of being honest and telling people my experiences through this. I feel it is very sinister and aimed solely at you being a recipient. My contact details are in this post feel free to give me a call and I’ll happily have a chat with any of you about my experience. The most chilling thing for me is the total refusal to have an open debate about the doubts of thousands of professionals and on the back of the ever increasing numbers of adverse effects and deaths shortly after a j@b -and there have been many, I myself have taken care of them. No one in authority or power seems concerned and there is actually an active effort to silence and dismiss them and shut them down - why ? I had one guy in my care who was paralysed only an hour after receiving a j@b, as he was then considered “vulnerable” he was given the second d0se and died two days later. Why is there a total refusal to talk openly about this and why is there increasing pressure, legislation, emotional blackmail and non stop policing and propaganda for us all to accept j@bs that are not needed and are clearly very dangerous in some cases and are totally unlicensed. Now there IS a v1rus, as there is every year, but you have to ask yourself why an undertaker with 15 years experience hasn’t seen a single flu death this year registered as a flu death - not one - the first ever year My advice to you as a father and a very caring undertaker is don’t have any of these j@bs I certainly never will.


We put so much trust in our leaders we vote for to do the honourable thing by Our country and it's people. We put so much trust in the Health Industry Our Doctors. We put so much trust in our Education system, We put so much trust in our religious Faith's of many denominations,

( New denominations and organizations formed through further divisions)

And there you have it DIVISIONS

The world is so divided and devoid of true love and compassion for one another, when we unseal the seat of hell into our lives, still thinking we are doing as good as we can, when we forget to be of God's creation we loose our human family.

We have taken our eyes off GOD

We let them take Faith away from our family homes, Our country and education system and now the enemy is on our door step

Summary: What happens when a nation/ we take our eyes off of God and what God can do thru us when we stay focused on Him.

They took their eyes of God!
Hebrews 12:1-2
When they took their eyes off of God.
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus
What happens to people when they look somewhere else but to God, or when they take their eyes off of God and put them somewhere else?
1-Adam and Eve-What happens when they took their eyes off God and on to a fruit? They sinned.
2-Cain-What happen when he took his eyes off of God and on to his brother? He killed Able.
3-The world-What happen to mankind when they took their eyes off of God and on to their own selfish desires? The flood came and everyone died except those in the ark.
4-Lot’s wife-What happen when she took her eyes off of God and looked back to see Sodom? She became a pillar of salt.
5-Moses-What happen to him when he took his eyes off God and tried to help the Israelites his own way? He killed an Egyptian.
6-Israelites-What happen to them when they took their eyes off of God and on to their circumstance? Wandered in the wilderness for forty years.
7-Samson-What happen to him when he took his eyes off of God and on to a woman? Tricked by Delilah, and captured by the Philistines.
8-Saul-What happen to him when he took his eyes off of God and on to doing his own will? He is rejected as king.
9-David-What happen to him when he took his eyes off of God and on to Bathsheba? His son dies and he almost lose’s his kingdom.
10-Disciples-What happen when they took their eyes off of God and on to their circumstance? They deny and abandon Jesus.
What happens to people when they fix their eyes upon God?
1-Noah-His family is saved.
2-Abel-He lives with God forever.
3-Abraham-He became the father of a great nation.
4-Joseph-He became a mighty man in Egypt and helped his family.
5-Moses-He lead the children of Israel out of Egypt.
6-Samson-He regains his strength and kills the Philistines.
7-David-Becomes king and defeats his enemies.
8-The disciples-They took the gospel to the world.
9-Steven-Saw the Glory of God.
10-Paul-Preached the gospel in prison and out of prison.

These are stormy times

Jesus said that the two great commandments were to love God and to love your neighbor.

There is room for all and we are better together than we are apart.

our best hope for Unity in our world, is a unity based on our faith in Jesus Christ.

We must prepare to keep your eyes on Jesus, and let us remember that he is with us until the end of the age.

Matthew 14:22-33 – Verse

22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 
23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, 
24 and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.
25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.
 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.
27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”
29 “Come,” he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 
30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”
31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 
33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Thank You, Heavenly Father, that You opened my eyes to see the purpose for my existence and the importance of focusing foremost on the things of eternity. May I be faithful to share the message of salvation today with others who are yet in blindness. For Your glory, in Jesus' name,


Prayer Of Salvation

Dear God, I believe that You sent Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ, to die on the cross, so that by believing in Him I can be forgiven of my sins, and be redeemed because His innocent blood was shed for me.

I believe that it is only through His death on the cross and resurrection that I can be made right with You.

I confess Lord, that I am a sinner and in need of a Saviour. I believe that Jesus Christ was the sinless sacrifice that died to pay the price for my sins and I believe that He is the only person who is qualified to die for me, for He alone lived a sinless life and died as an innocent victim.

Thank You for loving me enough to send Your only begotten, sinless Son to become a Man, so that He could offer Himself as the perfect Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world. Thank You for loving me and for dying for me. Help me to live a life that honours You, in thought, word and deed.

Father, I repent of all my sin and I turn away from them to Christ. I pray that You would keep me holy and set apart for You as I seek to live for You. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, my Saviour,



Luke 1:33

And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.”

Numbers 24:17

“I see him, but not now;

I behold him, but not near;

A star shall come forth from Jacob,

A scepter shall rise from Israel,

And shall crush through the forehead of Moab,

And tear down all the sons of Sheth.

Matthew 27:42

“He saved others; He cannot save Himself. He is the King of Israel; let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe in Him.


I read the following and think how true in our times. Australia do we remain a "GODLESS", nation of people. I humble in prayer and ” I say, God forgive Australia and her people.”


A Nation without God.

  • Posted by Rev.Anthony Ray Smith Sr. on December 26, 2008 at 3:15pm

  • View Blog

Oh, we are lost, a nation without God. His statutes have gone astray from us, His words have hid themselves from our eyes, and His Son we have rejected. Woe is our Nation. For in these times of great stress, we see many running too and fro, seeking answers but finding none. The economy is weakening and the prospects of a turn around are dwindling each day. Is it just something that happens every hundred years or so, or is it deeper than that? Is it the unrighteousness of man that has finally reached a point that the Lord will no longer strive with man and his ways? Is it the prophecies coming to pass? “And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats;.” All this tribulation in the name of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to marry who they desire to, freedom to curse at God and His Son, freedom to persecute the Christians, because they believe that, Jesus is the Son of God. Unrighteous laws, men calling homosexuality good, and righteous marriage, defined by God, as evil? Is this also not prophesied in the Scriptures? How much more will the nations remove God from the schools, the government, the streets, and from their money. “In God we Trust”, is this still the case? We have seen nations fall and rise, each with their own unrighteousness. We have been witness to many great nations fall, as we became the only super power in the world, but as we have turned away from the good, we are now seeing the evil that comes with it. We are no longer a nation that is feared, respected or valued, we have become a nation without God. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” How much longer will the Lord bless a nation that turns away from Him, how much longer shall the Lord hold His hand of protection upon a nation that chooses evil over Good? “The LORD looketh from heaven; he beholdeth all the sons of men. From the place of his habitation he looketh upon all the inhabitants of the earth. He fashioneth their hearts alike; he considereth all their works.” There is no excuse Oh man, who turns away from his Creator, no excuse to call evil, good, and good, evil. “Great in counsel, and mighty in work: for thine eyes are open upon all the ways of the sons of men: to give every one according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings:” We have turned our backs on the council of the Lord, His commandments mean nothing to a nation, when they fall into the snare of apathy. No one seems to care, they worry about finances, the wars and rumors of wars, they divide a nation because of politics, the turn to the untried, and untested, men of this life, to solve their problems and even some whom say they are believers in Christ, do not the things that Christ commanded. “And they consider not in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness: now their own doings have beset them about; they are before my face. They make the king glad with their wickedness, and the princes with their lies. They are all adulterers, as an oven heated by the baker, who ceaseth from raising after he hath kneaded the dough, until it be leavened.” Mankind in this world, have decided that, they no longer need God, for they have increased in wisdom, and knowledge. They take science for the truth and the bible as a fable. A book that is hard to understand with no proof of its writings. They have closed their eyes to the truth and try by all means to discount the word of God. Even as the prophecies of the Book come to pass, men ignore the truth, looking at the wars and rumors of wars as a natural fact of human events. The earthquakes, fires, floods, famine, and genocide, is all taken with a grain of salt with only interest in it if it affects then directly. What a world, what a people, the blind leading the blind. “Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it.” Statutes; A special act of the supreme power, of a private nature, or intended to operate only on an individual with its binding force to the principles of justice, to long use and the consent of a nation. The former owe their binding force to a positive command or declaration of the supreme power. A special act of the supreme power, of a private nature, edicts, decrees, ordinances. We all have been taught the will of God. It has been written into our laws and into our hearts. When it states, murder is against the law, it is actually stating, “Thou Shalt Not Kill.” When it states burglary is against the law, its stating,”Thou shalt Not Steal.” So why then when the law states Gods statutes, do we not, as a nation obey the law? Its because we have become a nation, and a world, of hardheartedness. You say, we obey the law, and this nation, is a nation of God. This is not so, we agree that murder, rape, sodomy, theft, lying, adultery, drunkenness, and many other things, written in our laws, are against the law, but you have forgotten to obey all the law. The most important of which is, “Thou shalt have no other God before me.” You have forgotten to Love the Lord, thy God, with all you soul, strength and spirit. You have turned to the beggarly elements of the law and not stood with the true meaning of the law. A nation that forgets God, is a nation ready for destruction. “Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people. For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for? And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?” Do we offend? Not us, but the Laws of God. Are we afraid more of man or God? Of the Lord, I hope. We have become a people that are calling evil, good, a people that take only the laws of God, that are easy to accept, and leave the rest undone. Should we have done the easy and the hard undone? If so how can we say that we love the Lord. I fear no man, who says, good is evil, and evil is good. I fear no man what he may do to my life, but I fear the Lord. “Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons; Keep therefore and do them; for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.” We were once a great nation, a nation that feared God and kept His laws. We could be a great nation again, if we would all turn back to the laws and righteousness of the Lord, take His laws, and statutes to heart, once again calling evil as it is, and hold on to the good, not being afraid of what man will say, no matter what kind of uproar they would make, and call upon the Lord to be our God once more. For there shall come a judgment upon all men, from the most mighty, to the most week. What will you say in defense of your actions, when the Lord asks you why, you upheld the evil and despised the good, what will be your defense? Many today say;”God Bless America.” I say God forgive America.” ars Psa 33:12-15 Deu 4:5-6-7 Jer 32:19 Hos 7:3 Hos 7:2-4 Isa 2:17-20 Webster,TSK

We cannot defeat the enemy as a Godless nation, We must all open our hearts and return as a nation of people built on the Christian beliefs as our forefathers, whom came here and made many sacrifices in the Lord Jesus name..

It's time to open our doors to our homes and businesses and take our familes in prayer to show the children who have never learnt about Jesus who died on the cross for our salvation.

Are we Heathens or Christian?

I have mirrored this message here from LARRY HANNIGAN website

YOU would do well to go to his site and learn much..

6 – Mission: to get us ALL vaccinated!!

“Although fronting cameras at press conferences is not Lieutenant General Frewen’s “preferred environment”, he recognised the need to be able to reach directly into people’s homes, and that the sight of a uniform may be reassuring.”

What a JOKE!!!

Military to oversee Australia’s COVID vaccine rollout


In one of the posts on How we should teach our children...

A child says in answer to a question- I think it can make you mentaly retarded

Right now, I think We adults are mentaly retarded.

Open Your Bible and open your Churches

Now start praying for the salvation of our Country and it's people

and ask Our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive it's sins

And If your churches won't open in fear of reprisal from the GOVERNMENT

(as churches do have ABN numbers)

Then gather every saturday(which is the true day of sabath)

and prayer with your communities

In the Parks, In the shopping Malls, In your streets.


he is waiting for your prayers


in Every Major State , With UN /US/ ADF soldiers waiting for their orders

who is on our side is the question and why are they here?

MASS VACCINATE and What ever else is planned against GOD"S people?


I added this thought provoking film as a reminder of what wars and decay bring

Read and Learn OUR Nation - BEFORE it's too late



AUSTRALIA IS A CHRISTIAN NATION by Richard Eason BEc (Hons.), jssc.


Hear the parable of the Christian leader.

A leader went out to lead his nation. As he did so, some of the prophets from the churches of that nation showed him God’s principles of Christian leadership and good government.

The leader heeded the Words that God spoke through the prophets insomuch that it became established forever in the nation that a leader should:

  • Profess faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord.

  • Worship regularly with the Church.

  • Be acclaimed by multitudes, as God’s appointed leader, before taking office.

  • Promise to govern lawfully, justly and mercifully and to maintain God’s law and the true message of the Gospel to the utmost of his power.

  • Regard the Bible as the rule for the whole of life and government; as the most valuable thing that this world affords; and as the lively oracles of God.

  • Acknowledge publicly that only a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit can equip a leader for government and preservation of the nation in wealth, peace, Godliness, wisdom and justice.

  • Seek that powerful anointing before accepting any of the trappings of power and authority by humbly participating in a national Christian ser­vice of prayer and worship.

  • Accept the responsibility to do justice, stop the growth of iniquity, protect the church, help and defend widows and orphans, restore and main­tain things fallen into decay, punish and reform what is amiss, and confirm what is in good order.

  • Desire that kind of sincerity and wisdom which attracts God’s protection and unites both leader and people.

  • Publicly proclaim that the whole world is subject to the power and empire of Christ our Redeemer.

  • Display the kind of leadership that is rich in faith, blessed in all good works and reigning with the King of kings.

  • Express the need to rule gently with equity and mercy, protecting and cherishing the just and leading the people in “the way”.

This covenant of Christian leadership and government expressed mighty faith in action and God blessed the leader and the nation exceedingly. Abundance was multiplied in the nation and it prospered in every way. The leader and his successors found great favour with God and with the people.
Nevertheless, on occasions a leader neglected God’s principles of Christian leadership and government. At such times God chastened him with the rod of men and with the stripes of the sons of men, but never removed altogether from the leader His steadfast love.
At each chastening, God hedged in the leader with wise counsellors and judges for the safety and protection of the nation. In time, God’s law became the common law of the land. The Gospel was freely preached, and the cross of Christ was even included in their national flag.
As the Word of God prospered amongst them the people waxed rich and fat. Many learned men and a great many skilled artisans were amongst them and the whole race of them spread throughout the earth and in their fullness became a number of nations. They preached the Gospel to every nation and put the Word of God into every land.
Leadership became very burdensome. But the prophets reminded the leader and the people of the words of Jesus:
“You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave; even as the Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:25-28)
Many of them took these words to heart. They reformed their society accordingly and strengthened its foundations. The leader was encouraged in an exemplary life of Godly service to his people and in gracious, inspiring leadership. The people on their part prayed continually for the leader and elected from among their number learned men whose X duty and service was to prayerfully meet, seek good counsel and loyally re-present it to the leader.
But alas, Satan filled the hearts of some of those elected servants with pride, and they said within themselves:
We are the wise counsellors, we will rule. We will set our government on high; we will sit on the mount of the assembly in the far north; we will ascend above the heights of the wisest in the nation and we will make ourselves like the anointed leader.
How corrupt and tyrannical, how contemptible would those elected servants be judged to be if they, having chosen one of their number as a chief servant, began thus to undermine the leader. What seeds of dictatorship would be sown if the media subtly supported their ambitions by continually casting the leader in the role of a figurehead, and suggesting that real power belonged to the chief servant – provided, of course, that chief servant had the support of the media?
Having yielded to God’s principles of leadership through service, having graciously agreed to act on advice, should that leader then be criticised as “a figurehead and unnecessary” by those who lust after his God given authority?
I tell you, the day is coming and is close at hand when God will raise up prophets to declare to the people the deceit of those power hungry servants. Great indignation from the people shall descend upon those wicked servants and great shame shall come upon those churches which, infected by apathy or humanism or worldy cynicism, let it happen.
Now this is the interpretation of the parable.
The Characters
The Christian leader appointed and anointed by God is the Royal line, currently represented by our Queen. (Romans 13:1-7).
The ambitious servants are the Ministers of the Crown. Minister means servant. Prime Minister means Chief Servant of the Crown. The Parliament which elects them opens every meeting in Christian prayer.
The Lordship of Jesus Christ in Australia’s governmental system
The amazing standards of Christian leadership and government outlined at the start of the parable should be read again, because many Christians in Australia earnestly express the desire to have that kind of government leader. But we already have exactly that kind of leader, because the standards in the parable are condensed directly from the Queen’s promises and prayers at her Coronation service. Christians can rejoice that the Coronation service so clearly reveals the Lordship of Jesus in our national life.
No other nations on earth install their head of state in a Christian service of praise and worship.
During the service the Queen seeks the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Later, she holds the Sceptre and the Orb, one in each hand. The Sceptre is the symbol of her kingly authority, but the Orb — a golden sphere surmounted by the cross — is held at the same time to remind her “that the whole world is subject to the Power and the Empire of Christ our Redeemer”. Thus, our kings and queens publicly declare to all, including those in positions of delegated authority, that use of the Crown’s authority is only legitimate when under the Lordship of the King of kings.
Christian approach censored
Supremely inspiring, is the best way to describe the tenets of Christian leadership and government set forth in the Coronation service. No Christian home should be without a well read copy.
It is exciting. It reveals God’s blessing on our nation in answer to the faith of many generations. But it is also a chilling reminder of the extent to which the apathy of modern Christians and the intense activity of secular humanists have censored these facts from the pages of our history books and TV programmes.
Timeless principles of God
For over a thousand years the framework of the Coronation service has hardly changed, yet its details and central message are today kept well hidden from popular view, the service used for the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, for example, descends directly from the service used by Archbishop Dunstan at the Coronation of King Edgar at Bath in 973AD.
This means that long before the advent of the Church of England as a denomination, and long before Henry VIII, the church in England had so inspired and elevated politics that the nation adopted this unique, indeed, sublime approach to Christian government and leadership. And its relevance still challenges us in the 20th century.
One of the church’s greatest achievements
Conceiving this enduring approach to Christian leadership and government is one of the most outstanding achievements in the history of the Church anywhere in the world. And it is part of Australia’s heritage. It is as practical as it is spiritual, and is a powerful prophetic statement by the Church to the nation. God is calling Australian Christians, particularly Ministries, to voice that statement to this generation.
Australian government standard is submission to Christ as Lord
Obviously, the Coronation service of itself cannot turn Monarchs or their advisors into perfect people, but it does reveal clearly the standard. And the standard for Australia is shown by the Coronation service to be nothing less than complete submission of our government, its institutions and leaders, to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His Word.
When the churches stop being apologetic and stop feeling threatened, and when we come out of hiding to proclaim this standard as a settled and accepted part of our national life and heritage, ordinary Australians will at last have some clear simple guidelines against which to judge political actions and proposals.
A rod for the wicked and counsel for the wise
Ungodly kings, corrupt judges, malevolent Ministers of the crown and bad bureaucrats will be seen by the people for what they are and will find themselves afflicted “with the rod of men and with the stripes of the sons of men”.
In the system of government that God has given us, with its strong emphasis on loyalty and servanthood, the wicked have an Achilles heel: they can never fully implement their policies without grabbing for more power than is legitimately available to loyal servants. This point was well made in a TV documentary entitled “The Royal Family”, when one commentator said that what is important is not the power that the Queen exercises personally, but the power that she denies to others.
P.M. not entitled to say “my government”
Demogogues and potential dictators are frustrated and even infuriated by our quaint “old fashioned” loyalty to the Crown. I often smile, for example, as I hear a Prime Minister use the phrase “my Government”. Prime Ministers really do know better than to refer to the government as their own, but it frustrates some of them that Section 61 of our Constitution says “The executive power (i.e. government) of the Commonwealth is vested in the Queen…” and she says it is all subject to the Power and Empire of Christ!
P.M. and Cabinet not even mentioned in our Constitution
Ambitious politicians and most of the power lusting media barons would love us to believe that the Prime Minister is the one who holds authority. But the Constitution of Australia does not even mention either the Prime Minister or the Cabinet.
If the Monarchy is powerless, why do they want to scrap it?
What a glorious conception of government our forefathers had: a Royal line appointed by God, publicly in submission to Christ the King of kings, serving the people and ably served by loyal advisers who are in turn responsible to a Parliament which faithfully represents the views of the people to the Crown.
No wonder humanists and ambitious unbelievers in the media and in politics have worked so hard to convince our people that our Monarchy is out of date, purely ceremonial and has no real power or authority. If that were true, why would they want to get rid of it?
Racists say if your descent is British you are un-Australian
Lacking more substantial criticism, and in complete contradiction of their otherwise strong advocacy of multi-culturalism, they have recently suggested that because of its British origins, the Monarchy is somehow un-Australian. Taken to its logical conclusion that argument writes off 75% of Australians as un-Australian.
It has even been suggested that because its roots are in Great Britain, the Monarchy could give offence to those from other countries who have now sought refuge under its protection.
We in Australia have the good fortune to remain under an authority clearly appointed, and anointed, by the Lord of Hosts. Far from giving offence to new settlers, the Monarchy is one of the clearest examples of the blessings of Abraham coming upon the gentiles (Gal. 3:14); a blessing to all the families of the earth (Gen. 12:3); and a signal example of Church revealing to the principalities and powers, the manifold wisdom of God (Eph. 3:10).
Tyranny comes when nations reject Romans 13:1-4
Most countries in today’s world, have rejected their God-appointed head and adopted some secular humanistic form of government. Having thus removed themselves from the Godly protection of Romans 13:1-4 they and their descendants have been plunged into humanistic darkness and subjected to succession of ungodly tyrants such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Idi Amin, Colonel Gadaffi, etc.. Surely in 20th century Australia we are wise enough to learn from these mistakes of history!
Some may even be tempted to doubt that anti-Christian humanistic forces could grow so powerful in Australia, even in a republican Australia. But consider what Professor Manning Clark is quoted as saying about the late Lionel Murphy:
“it had been one of Murphy’s aims to dismantle the Judeo-Christian ethic of Australian society.” (p8, Sydney Morning Herald, 30/10/86)
Murphy’s protege, Gareth Evans, a former president of the humanist society and architect of the proposed “Bill of Wrongs”, was himself once quoted as saying: “children want a right to sexual freedom and education and ‘protection from the influence of Christianity’.” (pll, Sydney Morning Herald, 7/5/76 )
Benefits when the churches pray for and honour the Queen
If Australia’s churches will obey God’s command to pray for the Queen and give honour and loyalty to her, and if we will teach the nation that vital principles of loving Christian leadership and government are embedded in our Monarchy, the whole humanist programme will be shaken as the light shines on their sinister grab for illicit power in so many areas.
The challenge to accept and affirm our Christian nationhood
With all these fruits of the faith of our forefathers to build on, and with a national leader at the highest level willing to commit herself to the service of God and to our welfare, Australia’s potential in God is immense. What encouragement to believe and to affirm that we are indeed a Christian nation. It’s time to act accordingly.
Obviously we are not yet a nation of Christians. But we should gently and steadfastly resist all who presume upon our Christian tolerance by trying to subvert or deny our Christian heritage. The tolerance, freedom, tranquility, justice and prosperity we enjoy, exists only in that tiny handful of nations that embrace Biblical Christianity, but will diminish if we neglect or depart from that Christian heritage.
The challenge to expose the delusion of “secular” government
One of the most insidious challenges to the Lordship of Christ over our national life, an error that the churches need to expose, is the idea that it is possible to have “secular” government divorced from religious belief. Ironically, this notion itself is based on one of three logically unprovable (and therefore religious) beliefs, namely:
A belief in Platonic dualism; or a belief that there is no God; or a belief that man is sovereign.
Naturally, the so called “non-theistic religion” of humanism, which is the basis of socialism, has produced some of the strongest advocates of “secular” government.
But government divorced from religious belief is a complete impossibility. In his book “The Changing Law”, Sir Alfred Denning (now Lord Denning, Master of the Rolls), perhaps the greatest judge of our time, said: “Without religion there is no morality; without morality there is no law.” To suggest that one can frame a system of law without reference to moral values is nonsense.
The challenge to teach that God’s Word must govern Australia
Hence, separation of religion and government is a dangerous deception. It disguises the real issue which is this: whose beliefs, will prevail as the basis of our law and government – man made guesses, or the Word of Almighty God?
So strong is the delusion of “secular” government, even in some of our churches, that it is commonly used to dupe Christian nations into replacing Christian beliefs with humanist or other anti-Christian beliefs.
The challenge to understand Section 116 of the Constitution
In view of this widespread deception, it is important for Christians to understand Section 116 of the Australian Constitution which says:
“The Commonwealth shall not make any law for establishing any religion, or for imposing any religious observance, or for prohibiting the free exercise of any religion, and no religious test shall be required as a qualification for any office or public trust under the Commonwealth.”
To eyes infected by twentieth century humanism, this clause may seem to suggest that Australia cannot use Christian (or for that matter any other religious) beliefs as the basis of law or administration. Not only is such a thing impossible, not only was our law manifestly Christian at the time when the Constitution was written, but from a careful reading of the context, it seems that those who framed our Constitution never intended or even envisaged such an interpretation.
That those who framed our Constitution took it for granted that we are a Christian nation is evidenced by three major inclusions in the Constitution: firstly their expressed humble reliance on Almighty God; secondly their expressed acceptance of their Christian Monarch as the governing authority of Australia, (and they chose to have our Constitution “enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty” rather than by revolution and rebellion); and thirdly the requirement of Section 42 that politicians of whatever variety give a clear guarantee of allegiance to our Christian Monarch – an oath for believers and an affirmation for unbelievers.
While Section 42 is in harmony with Section 116 by not imposing an oath on unbelievers, it clearly requires unbelievers to give allegiance, not to some vague notion of “my country”, but to that person who becomes our Monarch by publicly accepting that “the whole world is subject to the Power and Empire of Christ our Redeemer”.
These requirements of our Constitution could not have been framed by men who saw Section 116 as a tool for turning Australia into a Godless “secular” state based on humanist or other non-Christian beliefs. No, in my opinion, the purpose of Section 116 was purely to prevent one Christian denomination being established at the expense of the others.
Any interpretation which ignored these factors would be a travesty of the whole Christian context of our Constitution and national heritage. Moreover, if such an interpretation prohibited an explicitly Christian basis for our system of law and administration, it should equally prohibit all other beliefs, theistic or otherwise, and that would be impossible.
The challenge to oppose UN and “social engineering” legislation
Nevertheless, day by day more and more non-Christian and outright anti-Christian law is being imposed on Australians. Much of it is smuggled in through Australia’s innumerable and complex treaties with that modern day tower of Babel, the United Nations. More blatant adulteration of our law is attempted through “social engineering” legislation on issues such as homosexuality and abortion.
Various challenges in summary
Australian churches, and particularly the Ministries, face some urgent challenges. We must teach clearly and fearlessly against these trends in a way that leads people to put the Word of God before party politics. Our advocacy for “the Way” must be cogent. We must proclaim the Kingdom of God so that Christians do not assume that Christianity is only about personal salvation. We need to help all Australians to see that there can be no such thing as “secular” government – someone’s beliefs must be adopted. And we must encourage loyalty by showing that right believing has brought us blessings that are unsurpassed by other systems.
The challenge of putting our faith into action
For too long, Christians have kept a polite and sometimes timid silence as “the heathen have raged and the people imagined a vain thing” (Ps 2:1).
Since there is only one Lord; Jesus is the King of kings; the whole world is subject to the Power and Empire of Christ our Redeemer; and we really do “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness”; our words and actions should demonstrate that faith.
Of course, I do not mean that we should set about forcing Australia to return to God’s Word as the basis for government. Our task is to lead, not force.
But I do mean that we should not shrink from either our duty of involvement in government, or our task of proclaiming to Australians the Kingdom of God.
The challenge against condoning humanism by inaction
Christians who worry that we might be “imposing” our view on others are accepting by default such and-Christian humanistic impositions as abortion on demand, and recent further moves to resurrect the defeated “Bill of Wrongs” to incorporate it into the Constitution. The truth is that where Christianity prevails, the freedom of all is assured. But where humanism prevails freedom, particularly for Christians, is lost. As Proverbs 29:2 says:
“when the righteous are in authority; the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan.”
God has the answers to the problems confronting our nations. In fact there are no workable answers outside of Christ, the living Word. But “how shall they hear without a preacher” (Romans 10:14).
Australia has now tried the “answers” of humanists, socialists, trendy liberals and the like. They have failed.
The challenge to believe Romans 13:1-4 and live it
It’s time to return to the God of our fathers. Our fathers got practical answers by believing the Word of God. For example, only a handful of Christian nations have been willing to believe Romans 13:1-4 as written and leave the choice of their national leader to God by retaining their hereditary Monarchy. But that practical faith in action has produced a Godly system of government that is the highest pinnacle of achievement in the ordering of human affairs.
The challenge to understand national and world affairs
R.J. Rushdoony, an American theologian, has said: “By the 1980’s, the major political battle in this country (U.S.A.) will be between not conservatives and liberals, socialists and anti-socialists; but between Christianity and Humanism. Everything will be done to disguise from the Christians the reality of the battle, so that they will continue to halt between two opinions”.
The bottom line – Christ as Lord, or some other government
Howard Carter, speaking prophetically to Austraia, has used 2 Kings 2:19-22 to show that although our heritage is good, we are being subjected to a poisoned river of humanistic propaganda. He has warned that we seem to be moving to a point where one single issue will emerge which will present Australians with a choice between the sovereignty of the Lord Christ and the sovereignty of godless humanism.
Retention or abolition of the Monarchy will be the battle ground
The warning is timely. And in faith, I will venture further to say this: that emerging pivotal issue is the retention or abolition of our Monarchy.
While we retain the Queen of Australia, the wicked are blocked from ultimate power in Australia, because our Monarchy has given the Lordship of our national affairs to King Jesus. Only abolition of our Monarchy system can change that.
The challenge to the churches to prepare the nation now
So retention of the Monarchy is the key issue. It is the issue on which the churches in Australia should now prepare the nation to choose wisely.
The momentous nature of this choice, for which Australians will be quite unprepared if the churches do not act, reminds me of Sir Winston Churchill’s response to the awful prospect of nuclear war: “A thousand years scarce serve to form a state; an hour can lay it in the dust”.
Whatever you may have thought or been taught about the Monarchy in the past, do not make the mistake of thinking that this is some kind of sentimental appeal by an old fashioned conservative for an outmoded institution. The future of the Crown is absolutely secure. It is the security of future generations of Australians that is at issue.
Powerful forces would be delighted to use our bi-centennial celebrations to promote a new “more Australian” identity and usher in an Australian republic. Christian preparations for the bi-centenary should start immediately and culminate in widespread expressions of loyalty to the Queen of Australia, our God-appointed, God-anointed leader.
In Canberra’s New Testament House Churches we have already started. We pray regularly for the Queen, frequently express loyalty to her, and we teach the value of our Christian system of Constitutional Monarchy and Common Law. We intend distributing copies of the Queen’s Coronation service and we have started to sing all three verses of Australia’s original National Anthem which appear at the end of this article.
We have also become involved in organisations like the National Alliance for Christian Leadership to make a wider contribution to the body of Christ and are looking to extend our teaching ministries more widely as required.
The challenge to you personally
Are you willing that our National Christian birthright be sold for a mere bowl of red soup? Or are you prepared to stand fast on God’s truth?
“How long will you go’ limping with two different opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal, then follow him”. (1 Kings 18:21).


God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen. Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us; God save the Queen.

O Lord our God, arise, Scatter our enemies, And make them fall; Confound their politics, Frustrate their knavish tricks; On Thee our hopes we fix; God save us all.

Thy choicest gifts in store On her be pleased to pour, Long may she reign. May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause To sing with heart and voice God save the Queen.

source from Larry hannigan website


After the riots, President Trump marches to the burned out church and holds up a Bible. What is he saying? Is he saying: "America was founded on this book, and we need to get back to it?" Or, was he showing: "It's THIS BOOK which is of GOD, or it's ANTIFA, which worships the devil. Which do you choose?" Whatever his message, he sure missed a great opportunity to actually OPEN that BIBLE and give the world the GOSPEL of salvation. Which is: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4!

Australia was also founded on the Bible, and we need to get back to it?"

I believe President Trump perhaps didn't take that opportunity to open the bible, because he was giving the people a message..

It's time for YOU to open your Bible and Pray for your COUNTRIEs

Salvation.. in the name of Our" Lord Jesus Christ" amen

1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Version

15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

President Trump Holds Up a Bible

On June 1, 2020, amid the George Floyd protests in Washington, D.C., law enforcement officers used tear gas and other riot control tactics to forcefully clear peaceful protesters from Lafayette Square and surrounding streets. Minutes later, President Donald Trump and senior administration officials walked from the White House to St. John's Episcopal Church.[1][2][3] Trump held up a Bible and posed for a photo op in front of Ashburton House (the church's parish house), which had been damaged by a fire during protests the night before.


Dr Lasha Darkmoon (b.1978) is an Anglo-American ex-academic with higher degrees in Classics whose political articles and poems have been translated into several languages. Most of her political essays can be found at The Occidental Observer and The TruthSeeker . Her own website,, is now within the top 1 percent of websites in the world according to the Alexa ranking system.

The Lord's Prayer ('Our Father') in 30 Languages

The important thing is to embark on a long voyage of discovery for oneself and to take this prayer as one's sails, rudder and anchor on a storm-tossed sea. Whatever Christ was, whatever Christianity in its deepest essence is , can be found within these unfathomable depths; for the longer one ponders this apparently simple prayer, the more one discovers new layers of meaning hidden behind every word.

If you were to find yourself shipwrecked on a desert island or imprisoned in solitary confinement for 20 years, without any reading matter whatever to distract your mind, merely to think about the Lord's Prayer constantly — to “pray without ceasing” in St Paul's words— would not only enable you to keep your sanity but to work out an entire philosophical system and arrive, possibly, at true wisdom.

The Lord's Prayer has been translated into 1,817 languages and dialects. Moreover, the explorer savant Dominik Maximilian Ramik has made recordings of the Lord's Prayer in 66 exotic languages ​​ranging from the Amharic in Ethiopia and the Malagasy in Madagascar to the Tongan in Tonga and the Drehu in New Caledonia. (See here )

The 30 languages ​​in which the Lord's Prayer is given below are as follows

1. Old English
2. Pidgin English
2. Street slang ghetto version
3. Cockney slang version
4. Text messaging version (s)


Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

To all my readers thank you for your support, I hope that what I have posted with these articles sourced from information of others, and what I have also shared in my thoughts. Will resonate with you. I believe that right now we are at a critical point of no return. Only we the people can save this nation from the clutches of tyranny. We MUST! put on the armour of GOD and pray.

please share this message and blog

Ephesians 6:10-18 The Armor of God 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

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